Dept to pay him the Said Deft before any other person what tobacco's he pos-
sibly Could, and that he heard the Complt Say he Expected the Defendant
to Send a receiver to receive the Same.
That this Dept was very willing in Complyance wth the Said Complts or-
der to pay the Defendt on his demand what tobacco Cou'd be had in his
walks, and that if at any time the Defendant was disappointed of Tobo it was
at times when the Deft was Disappointed of Tobo [sic] it was at times when
the Tobo was disposed of or discounted, and not possibly to be Got in that
year in his walks (tobacco's being Generally Scarce in his walks by Occasion
of the Town) And this Dept further Saith that he knows it to be a Constant
Usage or Custom when the Sheriffs pay Tobo away, that the party to whom
the Tobo is intended to be paid Send his receiver to Receive the Same where
the Sherr8 order it, And the Deponant further Saith that in the year 1708 in
wch jyjr John Brice bought Tobo of Capt Richd Jones and Mr Samuel Cham-
bers to the Qty of igooo and odd and of the Deft about 20000 as he has heard
and beleives, that the Said Brice would not Receive any in discharge hereof
but in St Ann's and Westminster Parishes, And this Dept further Deposeth
that the [410] Complainant was very pressing wth the Said Brice to discount
the DeftB note out of the Sums paid him that year, and that this Dept after
the Said Brice Reed about 40000*o Tobo offered the Said Brice more Tobo
then Ready in the Said Parishes, and was very Earnest wth him to Receive
Satisfaction for the Defts note but the Said Brice Said the Ship (which Ship
this Defendant beleives to be the Coleman Friggott) was full, and that he
would not Receive any more from the Sheriff. And after all the Reqts made
him by this Deponant the Said Brice wou'd not Discount any more out off
the defendts Order then 4632*" Tobo and Refused to make up the Acct with
the Sheriff Otherwise. And this Dept further Saith that he has often Seen the
Complt very uneasie for being in the Defts Debt and has heard him the
Said Complt Say he wou'd not Accept Notes payable to the Defendt (and
particularly one drawn by Mr Bladen) for that it would Swell the Accts be-
tween them, and heard the Complt Say if the Defendt wou'd Send his Re-
ceiver he was willing to pay the Tobo
And the Dept further Saith that the Defendt has often times told him
this Dept that the Said Complainant refused to Accept Such notes as afd for
some time but Said he would pay the tobo wthout Accepting the notes, but
that when the Defendt askt him to pay Said Tobo or where he Should go to
Receive it the Said Complt Said he must Stay till Tobo was ready — but does
not know that ever any Tobo was got ready on Acct of Such Noates, that the
Defendt refus'd or delay'd to Receive but Saith that if the Defendt had De-
sired him this Dept as his Receiver to Mark any Tobo towards Satisfaction
of Such Notes, he had power and was Very willing So to doe if he Could have
Got the Same, And further the Deponant Saith that he heard the Complain-
ant Say that he would not pay Mr Brice any Tobo in St Ann's and Westmin-