remember that he paid him any ready Tobo that year Except Some Small
Matter by way of Discount.
[408] To the 13th Saith That there hath been a Clashing between the
Complt and defendt about the Defendts list of fees as Clerk of Ann Arundell
County and that he heard the Complainant Say that the Defendant was some
what unreasonable wth him in Requireing him to make good Insolvencies
in the year Seventeen hundred and three to the best of this Depts Knowledge,
And that therefore he the Said Complt. wou'd not undertake the Collection
of his list in the year 1704 unlesse he the Said Defendant wou'd Accept of
a reasonable Return of it wcn the Defendant in the year 1704 Agreed to Ac-
cept of. And being Askt whether he knew of any other agreemt between the
Complt and Deft about any other list Saith he does not.
To the 14th Saith That on or about the 19th of June 1712 he this Depo being
Receiver for the Deft (by the Complts order) paid to the Defendt among
other Tobacco's one Hhd. at Mrs Elizabeth Hammonds the Widow of Wil-
liam Hammond Deed Qty 804 and that Some time after in the Same year
being at the Said Widow Hammonds House She told him that Mr Edward
Burges Junr Receiver for Mr Wm Nicholson had been there and had Markt
2 hhds of Tobo for Said Nicholson on Acct of the Sheriff who was Indebted
to Said Nicholson as the Said Burges told her, but She to the best of this De-
ponants Memory not being Satisfyed wth the Said Burges's Authority to Re-
ceive the Same Came to Acquaint the Complt (as the Said Widow to the best
of this Depts Memory told him) thereof And that afterwards he this Dept did
Scratch out or Gave orders to Scratch out the Mark put on Said Hhds by
Said Burges and ordered them to be Markt again for the Use of the Defendt
on the Complts Acct and beleives the Said 2 Hhds are the Same mentioned
in Mr Nicholsons Depo And being Askt by the Defendt whether he knows
that Mr Wm Nicholson was paid in ready Tobo for an order for 1800lb tobo
in the year 1711 drawn by the Defendant on the Complt that year any other
way. Saith he does not Except 612 wch he this Deponant paid him, wch the
Said Nicholson would not Receive any otherwise than on that Acct but fur-
ther Saith that the Said Nicholson had Credit for the Said 1800lb Tobo in the
Sheriffs books. And further this Dep" Saith that for [409] about the Space
of 16 years past and upwards he this Dept Acted as under Sheriff or High
Sheriff wthout any Intermission in Ann Arundell County and in all that time
had the North Side of South and Severn Rivers for his walks and Generally
as well for himself as for those he Acted under Setled Accts wth the Inhabit-
ants on the North Side of Said Rivers, that he does not know that the Deft
made yearly Demands (as by Act of Assembly required) of the Complt or
of his this Depo as Undersheriff of the Tobo he Claimed of the Complt but
on the other hand very often and in Severall years before any Suits between
the Complt and deft were Commenced has heard the Complt Express a Great
deal of Desire and Earnestnesse to have the Defendt paid off and desir'd this