To His Excy John Hart Esqr Governour and Chancellor of Maryland.
The Petition of Charles Carroll Esqr. Humbly Sheweth — That your
Pedoner Conceives himselfe agrieved by your Excys Decree in the Case of
Thomas Wells Complainant and your Petr Defendant, wherefore he prays
an Appeale to your Excy and the Honbte Councill on his giving Security
According to Act of Assembly And he will pray etc. 3Oth May 1719. pre-
sented the 16 Sepr 1719 Granted Jo: Hart D Dulany per pet.
Afterwards To witt on the i6th day of Aprill Anno Dom 1720 At a Court
held before his Excellency [366] the Governour and his Lordships Honour-
able Council for hearing Appeals and Writts of Errors held in the Council
Chamber at the Port of Annapolis
Present: His Excellency John Hart Esqr Governour; The Honrble Col Wm
Holland; John Hall Esqr; Phil Lloyd Esqr; Col Thos Addisson; Henry Llowe
Esqr; Col Mat Tilghman Ward, Members of his Lordships Honrble Council
[DD] Charles Carroll Esqr v [TB] Thomas Wells junr
It is ordered the Assembly being now Sitting that the sd Court be Ad-
journed till the first Thursday in May thereafter being the 5th day of the
same Month and that all Causes therein Depending stand Continued till
At which Said next Court held before his Excy the Gov and his Lord-
ships Honrble Council for hearing Appeals and Writts of Errors held in the
Council Chamber at the Port of Annapolis on the 5th day of May 1720
Present: His Excellency John Hart Esqr Govr; The Honrble Col Saml Young;
Col Richd Tilghman; Col Thos Addisson and Thos Bordley Esqr, Members
of his Lops Hon'ble Councill
[DD] Charles Carroll Esqr v [TB] Thos Wells Junr
It is ordered that all Causes and processes be continued untill the 26th
of this Instant May to which time this Court adjourns
At which sa next Court held before his Ex!cy the Govr and his Lord-
ships Honourable Council for hearing Appeals and Writts of Errrs held in
the Council Chamber at the port of Annapolis on the 26th day of May 1720
Present: His Excy John Hart Esqr Governour; The Honrble Cot Wm Hol-
land; Col Saml Young; Phil Loyd Esqr; Col Thos Addison; Col Richd Tilgh-
man; Henry Llowe Esqr; Thos Bordley Esqr, Members of his Lops Honrble
[367] Comes the sd Thos Wells by Thoaa Bordley his Attorney and also the
said Charles Carroll by Daniel Dulany his Attry Whereupon the said Daniel
Dulany pray'd further time to file his Errors untill next Court And the