This evidence of Hobbs with all it's Circumstances So convinc'd the Jury
and all then present that they there began Immediatly and laid out Mr Roger
Brook's land called Amptill Grange and Mr Brooke then agreed the Suit
which he had Commenced agt Anderson and to the best of the Deponents
remembrance paid Some or all of the Sd Anderson's Cost of Said Suit and
further the Deponent Saith not. Sworn before us.
Tho Clagett
Patrick Hepburn
By Vertue of a Commission out of his Lordships high Court of Chancery
bearing date the third day of Janry Anno Domini 1716 Directed to Majr
Josiah Willson Capt Thos Claggett and Docf Patrick Hepburne of Prince
George's County Gentlemen or any two of them to examine all Such evi-
dences as to them Shall be nominated by Thos Wells Junr of the aforesaid
County touching the bounds of a Tract of land lying in the Same County
called Amptill Grange In Obedience to which Commission the sd Capt Thos
Claggett and Docf Patrick Hepburn did call before them on the 5th and gth
days of March Anno Dom 1716 Mr Robt Tyler and Mr Roger Brooke Gent
and Hugh Riley and John Pottinger Planters and the Honrble Colo Thos
Addisson being all of the aforesaid County evidences to them nominated by
the sd Thos Wells Junr and examined them Severally on their Corporall
oaths upon the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God touching their knowledge
and remembrance of the bounds of the sd land which Depositions are here-
unto annexed as the same were taken before us at the bounded tree Sworn
to before them except Coto Addissons who cou'd not come to the tree by
reason of Sickness. The truth whereof we hereby certifye under our hands
and Seales the thirteenth day of March Anno Dom 1716
Tho Clagett [Seal]
Patrick Hepburn [Seale]
[365] MARYLAND ss In Records and proceedings of the Chancery Court
amongst other things is Con tain'd as follows Vizt
Att a Chancery Court begun and held at the City of Annapolis for the
Province of Maryland on the soth day of May in the fourth year of his Lord-
ships Dominion Annoque Dom 1719
Were Present: His Excellency John Hart Esqr Chancellour; Assistants Col
Wm Holland; Colo Saml Young; John Hall Esqr; Colo Thos Addison; Henry
Lowe Esq'; Col- Mat Tilghman Ward Vach Denton Q
[HB] Thomas Wells Complt v [DD] Charles Carroll Deft
Upon a full hearing of this Cause and the Arguments on both Sides
debated — It's Decreed That the Injunction in the Provincial Court be
made perpetuall and that the prayer of the Complt be granted according
to the desire of his bill with Costs
Vera Copia per Vachel Denton Regr