Thomas Gerrard Gent, was Seized in his Demeasne as of fee of the Land in
Dispute the twenty Sixth Day of Febry anno Doni Sixteen hundred Seventy
one, and that Justinian Gerrard Eldest Brother and heir at Law of the Said
Thomas Gerrard by his last will and Testamt in writeing bearing Date the
fourth Day of august anno Doni Sixteen hundred Eighty two and Sub-
scribed in the Presence of five Witnesses and to us of the Jury in Evidence
Given amongst other things gave and Bequeathed unto his Loveing Wife
Sarrah Gerrard [311] To her and her Heirs for Ever all his Lands and
Tenemts in Lanchashire in the Kingdom of England particularly all that
dwelling House with all the Lands and appurtenances what So Ever there
unto belonging or appertaining formerly called by the name of new Hall in
Lancashire in the Kingdom of England afd being late in the possession of
one Mr Landry togeather with all his Right Title or Interest of or to the
Same or any other part or parcell thereof as allso all his Right Title Interest
Claime or Demand of in and unto all his Lands Tenemts possessions or Rever-
sions in the Kingdome of England Colony of Virginia or Province of Mary-
land afd wch Said Will the Said Justinian after the Death of the Said Thomas.
Wee find that after the Death of Thomas Gerrard the Brother, Justinian
his Brother (whome wee find to be heir at Law to the Said Thomas the
Brother) Said that all his Estate both reall and personall Should Go to his
Wife Sarah and her heirs, and wee find that the Lessor of the Plft Claimes
under Sarah and wee allso find that the Said Justinian Survived his Brother
Thomas and Continued in the Said Resolution and never altered the Same.
and that afterwards to witt the twentieyth Day of July anno Doni Six-
teen hundred Eighty five the Said Justinian Gerrard and Sarah his wife by
their Deed Indented and Enrolled for the Considerations therein men-
tioned gave Granted and Confirmed unto John Llewellin and Rob' Foster
for the uses and purposes there after Specified the mannr of St Clements in
the County of St Marys lyeing betwen [312] Wiccocomoco River and St
Clements bay with all and Singular the Rights members and appurtenances
thereof and of and from all and Singular the messuages Tenements houses
buildings orchards Lands meadows Leasows Pastures feedings Commons
woods undewoods Reversions rents Services wasts Estays Royaltys Libertys
Priviledges, Jurisdictions, Heriditaments and all other the Rights members
and appurtenances wt So Ever to the Said mannour belonging or in any wise
appertaining or accepted reputed taken or Known or occupyed demised or
letten as part parcell or member thereof togeather with all Rents and yearly
proffitts reserved due or payable by or upon any Demise Lease or (Grant
demises Leases or Grants made thereof any part parcell or member thereof
and all and Singular other the Messuages Lands Tenemts Reversions Services
and hereditamts what So Ever which the Said Justinian Stood Seized of in
any Estate of Inheritance Either in the Province of Maryland afsd in the
Colony of Virginia or in the Kingdom of England with the Reversion and