To the dyet of Six Negroes 3 Months and Eight days as '
. 22 " 10 " 0
per the Masters oath at 20 each per Month is ........
[175] To the freight of his Negroes Rum Sugar Mol-
lasses and Salt he forceing the Mar to his own prizes
which hower ought to be paid there according to the
custom and usage of the place comes to 7i£"i4s"2d
which if laid out there according to my possitive orders
143 " 08 " 04
to him and the risqs being equally mine and if so done
I reasonably charge double but referr to better Judg-
ments ..........................................
To 3 Months and upward keeping my barke in Barba-
does after she might have been ready to saile with con-
6o " oo " oo
voy meerly to serve himself too reasonably charged at
20* per Month is ................................
253 " 01 " o3
Pr: Contra is — Cr.
As by his Account from Barbadoes '
Ballance due to me is ............................
. 40 " 02 " O2|
212 " 19 " oo:£
Errors Excepted by me Wm Round —
At which said third Tuesday in May To witt the Sixteenth day of May
Anno Domino 1704 comes the Sheriff of Ann Arund" County and makes re-
turne of the said precept as followeth
I have left a coppy of the above declaration at the place of the last abode
of the said William Macklure within my ballywick to the best of my knowl-
edge but the said Wm Macklure is not found therein.
Jno Gresham Junr Sher
Whereupon the said Plantiff by his Attorney aforesaid prays that foras-
much as the Defendant is A non resident in this Province he may have an
Attachment against the goods and chatties of the said Wm Macklure Ac-
cording to Act of Assembly for that he hath complied with the said Act in
order thereunto Which being by the court enquired of and found to be
true It is Considered the same day and Yeare last mentioned that the said
Wm Round recover against the Dl of the goods or chatties rights or creditts
of the said Wm Macklure as well the Summe of Two hundred and twelve
pounds Nineteen shillings [176] and one half penny Sterling the Debt for
damages aforesaid as also all other costs accruing and which shall Acrue upon
the recovery and Attaching of the said Sume against the said Macklure of