liam Bladen their attorney Appear and Imparle untill next Court; [173]
Phill: Lynes Esqr Exrx agt Dmna Regina — In this cause her Majesty's Writt
of Scire facias Issued to her Attorney Generall and the Sheriff of Ann Arun-
dell County makes returne thereof Scire feci: Whereupon the said Attorney
Genll appears and imparles till next Court.
In the Records of the Provinciall Court of Maryland among other things
is containd as follows.
MARYLAND ss. At A Court of her Sacred Majesty Queen Anne by the
Grace of God of Great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith etc.
held at Annapolis in Ann Arundell County for the Province of Maryland the
Sixteenth day of May in the third Yeare of her said Majestys reigne etc.
Annoque Doni 1704.
Were present: The Hono™8 Phillip Hoskins; Saml Young; Seth Biggs;
Thoms Smyth, Esqrs Justices
Tho: Bordley Cl
William Round agt Willm Macklure
Command was given the Sherriff of Ann Arundell County that he
should take William Mackelure late of Ann Arundell County Merchant if
he should be found in his ballywick and him safe keep so that he have his
body before the Justices of her Majestys Provinciall Court to be held at
Annapolis the third Tuesday in May then next to answer unto William
Round of Somerset County Merchant of A plea of trespass upon the case
and that he should have then there his said precept etc.
Whereupon the said William Round by George Plater his Attorney
complains that whereas the said [174] William Macklure the Sixth day of
May in the Yeare of our Lord one thousand Seaven hundred and four at
Bridge Town in the Island of Berbadoes to witt at South River in Ann Arun-
dell County within the Jurisdiction of this Court stood indebted unto him
the said Wm Round in the full Sume of Two hundred Fifty three pounds
one Shilling and three pence sterling mony being for freight of Goods in the
Barque Adventure and Demurag[e] for the detaining the said Barq in the
Island of Berbadoes and other dues as by A perticular Account thereof here
ready in Court to be produced may more plainly and at large appear and
being so indebted he the said William Maclure in consideration thereof did
the day Yeare and place aforesaid Assume upon himself and to the said
Willm Round then and there faithfully promise that he the said Willm Mack-
lure the Sume of Two hundred Fifty three pounds One shilling and three
pence sterling unto the said Willm Round would well and truly content and
pay and the said Willm Round in fact saith that the said Willm Macklure in
pursuance of his promise and Assumption aforesaid did pay and Sattisfy to
the said Wm Round the Sume of Forty two pounds two shillings and three