against him In this Court ought to have and maintain because he Saith [171]
that the Debt and damages in the Record aforesaid mentioned doth not
Amount unto the Sume of Tenn thousand pounds of Tobaccoe or Fifty
pounds Sterling as by Act of Assembly it ought and therefore prays Judg-
ment if the said Richard Cooper his Action aforesaid to have and Maintain
Thereupon it is consider'd by the Court here the day and Year Last
mention'd that the said Richard Cooper against the said Henry Bayley his
Action aforesaid in this Court for the reason aforesaid ought not to have And
that the said Henry Bayley go thereof without day etc.
Notley Rozier agt Phillip Lynes — This cause abates by Death of the De-
fendant and Order'd Scire facias Issue to Mrs Ann Lynes Execrx William
Bladen Esqr and Mr8 Mary Contee [Returnable to next Court; Henry
Mitchells Ad™ agt [At Gil] Her Majesty — This cause is further referrd; Wm
Macklure agt Wm Round — Continued with peremptory rule tryall next
Court; Millers Executo™ v Her Majesty — In this cause her Majesty's Attor-
ney Generall is orderd to appear And he appears Accordingly and imparls
till next Court; Blakes Admrs agf Thomas Wharton, Edward Hammond agl
John Watts et uxr — Ordered in these two Actions that Scire facias's Issue to
the Defendants to hear the Errors Assigned; Lynes Exrx v Domina Regina
Orderd Sci facias Issue to her Majestys Attorney Genll.
The Court Adjourns to the 13th day of March
Th Jones Clr
[172] At A Court met and held for hearing Appeals and Writts of Errour
before her Majesty's President and honble Councill on the Thirteenth day
of March in Eighth Yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereign Lady Anne by the
Grace of God of Great Brittaine etc. Queen Defender of the faith etc. An-
noque Domini 1709.
Were present: Edwd Lloyd Esqr. Presidt; The Honoble Collle Wm Holland;
Coll Wm Coursey; Saml Young Esqr; Coll Wm Whittington; Coll Tho8
Greenfield and Coll Charles Greenberry, of Her Majts Honoble Councill
Notley Rozier v Phillip Lynes — Her Majestys Writt of Scire facias hav-
ing Isued to Mrs Ann Lynes Executrix of the said Phillip Lynes deceasd and
likewise to Mr Wm Bladen and Mrs Mary Contee Devisees the Sheriffs of
Ann Arundell and Charles Cotys makes returne of their said precepts Scire
feci — And thereupon Wm Bladen her atfy appears and Imparles till next
Court; Mitchell AdmrB agt Dmna Regina — This cause is continued with
peremptory rule Tryall next Court; Millers Execute1™ agt the Same — In this
cause her Majesty's Attorney Generall mooves this Honoble Court for fur-
ther continuance or till orders on Accot of her Majestys bonds of Navigation
shalbe receivd from the Lord High Treasurer and the said Cause is further
referrd; Blakes Admr[s] agt Thomas Wharton — This Cause is further referrd;
Edwd Hammond agt Jno Watts et uxr — The Defendants in this Cause by Wil-