FINES.----One Half to the County Charge, &c.
receiving any Gratuity for Inspecting
Tobacco, &c. other than allowed in this Act, forfeit
8000 lb Tobacco; and the Person offering the
same, forfeits 1600 lb Tobacco. See Ibid.
Inspectors inspecting any Tobacco
brought to the
Warehouse, between the last of July and First
yearly, forfeit 160 lb Tobacco for every 100 lb
Tobacco, so inspected. See Ibid. 35.
Inspectors, offering Tobacco
in Lieu of any Tobacco
which hath been refused, before View, &c.
forfeit 1600 lb Tobacco. And the Person receiving
the same, forfeits the like Penalty, per Hogshead.
See Ibid. 36.
New appointed Inspectors, neglecting
to make out
Lists of all Tobacco delivered to them in the Warehouse
by the old Inspectors, &c. forfeit 8000 lb Tobacco.
See Ibid. 44.
Inspectors intermeddling in
Elections, forfeit
800 lb Tobacco. See Ibid. 46.
Inspectors dealing in buying
or selling Tobacco,
procuring Consignments, &c. forfeit 240 lb Tobacco
for every 100 lb Tobacco so bought, &c. See
Inspectors giving out Notes
for Tobacco, not actually
received, &c. forfeit their Year's Salary:
giving Crop Notes, instead of Transfer, unless the
Hogshead be actually prized, forfeit 800 lb Tobacco
for every such Note. See Ibid. 23.
Persons convicted
of false Swearing concerning
the Loss of any Inspector's Note, or producing a
forged Certificate of such Oath, forfeit 240 lb Tobacco
for every 100 lb Tobacco therein contained.
See Inspectors Notes, 12.
Officers, and all their Under-Clerks
and Deputies,
refusing or neglecting to take the Oath in this
Section prescribed, forfeit 500 lb Tobacco. See
Fees, 10.
Masters of Ships, &c. causing
any other than
their own Mate or Boatswain to swear, &c. forfeit
4800 lb Tobacco. See Tobacco Inspected,
&c. suffering Tobacco, not inspected,
to be taken on board, forfeit 4800 lb Tobacco for
every Hogshead, Cask, &c. and the Tobacco also
to be forfeited. See Ibid. 4.
Persons carrying Tobacco, for
Hire, to or from
Inspecting Houses, taking uninspected Tobacco in
Bulk on board their Sloops, Boats, &c. forfeit 240
Tobacco for every 100 lb of such Tobacco; and
the Tobacco also to be forfeited.
If such Skippers be Servants,
and be again convicted,
the Master shall pay the above Penalty, and
also 60 lb Tobacco for every Day such Servant shall
be employed by him as Skipper. See Ibid.
Skippers shall not take Tobacco
from any Inspecting
House, before taking an Oath to be administered
by the Inspector; on Forfeiture of
3200 lb Tobacco,
for every Hogshead so taken on board.
Ibid. 9.
Commanders of Tobacco Ships
removing Freight
Tobacco from any Warehouse, in any open Boat,
&c. without sufficient covering,
for Security of the
Tobacco, forfeit 1600 lb Tobacco for each Offence.
See Ibid. 11.
Persons running Tobacco (before
Inspection, and
Entry with the proper Officer, and Permit obtained)
into Virginia, Pennsylvania, &c. forfeit
80 lb Tobacco
for every Hogshead, and 160 lb Tobacco for
every 100 lb Tobacco in Bulk, &c. See Tobacco
Run, 6.
Persons resisting Officers in
Execution of Warrants
under this Act, forfeit viz. if a Commander
or Owner of a Ship 8000 lb Tobacco; if a Skipper,
Sailor, &c. 3200 lb Tobacco. See Ibid.
Persons Buying, Selling, Bartering,
&c. any
Trashy Tobacco, forfeit 4 lb Tobacco for each
Pound of Tobacco so bought, &c. But where
Penalty shall arise by Prosecution
on Indictment, |
FINES.----One Half to the County Charge, &c.
and the Informer shall not, on Conviction,
claim the
Moiety in open Court, the whole shall go to the
County Charge. See Tobacco Trashy, 1.
Persons having Trashy Tobacco
under Carriage,
and refusing on demand, to carry the
same to the
next Inspecting House, forfeit 400 lb Tobacco for
every 100 lb of such Tobacco . See Ibid.
Proprietors of Warehouses appointed
by this Act,
are obliged to Let the same to the Inspectors, under
Penalty of 32,000 lb Tobacco. See Warehouses,
Such Proprietors making private
use of such
Warehouses, whilst under Rent to the Public, forfeit
1000 lb Tobacco. See Ibid. 3.
Inspectors neglecting yearly,
after Conclusion of
their Inspections, to secure the Scales, Weights,
&c. forfeit 800 lb Tobacco. See Ibid.
Any Justice neglecting his Duty
in making Contracts,
or taking of Bonds relating to Warehouses,
forfeits 800 lb Tobacco. See Ibid.
Every Justice in Court, refusing
(on Application
of the Inspectors) to do his Duty with Regard to
Warehouses, forfeits 800 lb Tobacco, to the Use of
the Warehouse. See Ibid. 10.
Any Warehouse being burnt thro'
Negligence of
the Inspectors, such Inspectors shall forfeit 16000
Tobacco. See Ibid. 13.
8. FINES, wholly appropriated to the Use of
County Schools.
Persons elected Visitors, and
refusing to act, forfeit
500 lb Tobacco. See Schools, 32.
Practitioners of the Law, Ministerial
Officers and
Others, misbehaving, &c. in Court, may be punished
by Fine, not exceeding 4000 lb Tobacco in the
Superior, nor 2000 lb Tobacco in the Inferior
Courts. See Magistrates, 1.
Persons insulting single Magistrates
in the Execution
of their Office, may, on Complaint to the
Court, be punished by Fine, not exceeding 1000 lb
Tobacco. See Ibid. 2.
Ministers, &c. joining in
Marriage any Negro
whatsoever, or Mulatto Slave, with
any White Person,
forfeit 5000 lb Tobacco. And any Free Negro
or Mulatto intermarrying with any White
Person, shall become a Slave for Life: And Mulattoes
born of White Women, or White Persons, for
such intermarriage, shall become Servants for Seven
Years, to be disposed of at the Discretion of the
County Court. See Marriage, 12, 13.
9. FINES, appropriated the one Half to the County
Schools, the other to the Informer.
Clerks, &c. refusing to
give full Copies, &c. of
Costs of Suit, forfeit 2000 lb Tobacco. See Bills
Cost, 2.
Persons cutting down or destroying
any Boundary
Tree, or presuming to bound any Tree, or set up
new Boundaries in lieu of decayed ones, without
due Notice to all concerned, forfeit 5000 lb Tobacco.
See Boundaries of Land, 1, 2.
Suitors convict of giving more
than the legal Allowance
to any Juror, shall in the Provincial Court,
forfeit 6000 lb Tobacco, and in a County Court
2000 lb Tobacco, or under, at the Discretion of the
Court. See Jurors, 9.
Persons admitted to any Office
or Place of Trust,
shall take the Oaths to the Government, on Penalty
of loss of Office, and also forfeit 250 l. Sterling.
See Protestant Interest, 2.
Persons setting up any Booth,
or selling Liquors
within one Mile of the yearly Meeting-House in
talbot County, or within two Miles of the yearly
Meeting-House near West-River, in Anne-Arundel
County, during the Time of the Quakers Yearly
Meetings, forfeit 10 l. See Quakers,
County Clerks neglecting their
due Attendance at
the Court-House, on Office Days, for the dispatch
of Business, forfeit 600 lb Tobacco for each Neglect.
See County Clerks, 4. |