FINES,----Half to the Support of County Schools,
Beef, Bacon,
or Pork, shipped before Duty paid,
&c. or not in Cask, is forfeited, See Bacon,
&c. 3.
Masters of Ships, &c. convict
of taking the same
on Board, forfeit 500 lb Tobacco. See Ibid.
Constables neglecting to pursue
the Directions of
the Acts relating to Taxables, forfeit 500 lb Tobacco.
See Constables, 7.
Persons killing Deer within
the Time prohibited
by Law, forfeit 400 lb Tobacco. See Deer,
Persons not making due Entry
of Negroes by
them Imported, forfeit 10 l. Currency per Poll,
every Negro kept back or unaccounted for. See
Negroes, 15.
Pitch, Tar, or Pork imported,
being landed without
Entry, &c. is forfeited, or the Value. See
Pitch, &c. 2.
Persons selling strong Liquors
within three Miles
of the yearly Meetings of the Quakers, in Talbot
and Anne-Arundel Counties, forfeit 5 l.
See Quakers, 7.
Persons running Races within
five Miles of the
said yearly Meetings, forfeit 5 l. for every
such Race.
See Ibid. 5.
Clerks, &c. removing Records
or Papers, and
keeping the same out of their Public Offices, between
Eleven at Night, and Six in the Morning,
10 l. Currency for each Offence. See Records,
Persons Counterfeiting the Great
Seal, &c. forfeit
their Lands, Goods, &c. See Seals.
Persons concealing Taxables,
forfeit 500 lb Tobacco
for each Taxable so concealed. See Taxables,
Sheriffs, refusing to discount
Notes drawn on
them by public Creditors, &c. forfeit 2000 lb Tobacco.
See Discount, 2.
Sheriffs neglecting to read
the additional Supplementary
Act to the Act, entitled, An Act relating to
Servants and Slaves, on the Wednesday of each respective
County Court, forfeit 500 lb Tobacco. See
Sheriffs, 22.
10. FINES, appropriated the one Half to the
County Schools, the other to the Party grieved.
On Discontinuance of Action,
through Default
of the Attorney, such Attorney forfeits, in the Provincial
Court, 2000 lb Tobacco; and, in a County
Court, 2000 lb Tobacco. See Continuance of
Harbourers of Servants or Slaves,
forfeit 100 lb
Tobacco per Hour; and Free Negroes or Mulattoes
harbouring any such Servants, or Slaves,
1000 lb Tobacco for each Offence, See Harbourers
of Servants and Slaves, 1, 2, 5.
11. A FINE, appropriated the One Half tot he
Free-School at Annapolis, the other to the Informer.
Officers making out their Fees
contrary to the Act
of 1717, ch. 2, and insisting on levying the
forfeit 500 lb Tobacco. See Officers Fees,
12. FINES, wholly appropriated to the Parish Use.
Church-wardens refusing to serve,
or take the
Oaths, &c. forfeit 1000 lb Tobacco.
See Vestry, 21.
Parish Register, not giving
Notice to new Vestry-men,
of their Elections, and Vestry-men not attending
according to such Notice, or refusing to
serve, &c. forfeit 1000 lb Tobacco.
See Ibid. 8.
13. FINES, appropriated the One Half to the Parish
Charge, the other to the Informer.
Persons neglecting to give Notice
of Births, Marriages,
or Burials, to the Parish Register, or the said
Register neglecting or refusing to make Entry thereof,
forfeit 100 lb Tobacco. See Vestry, 14,
Vestry-men, absenting from the
Vestry, &c. forfeit,
not exceeding 100 lb Tobacco, for each Offence.
See Ibid. 18.
neglecting to set up Tables of Marriages,
forfeit 200 lb Tobacco each. See Ibid.
Vestry-men, neglecting to appoint
Church-wardens |
FINES,----Half to the Parish, Half to the Informer.
annually, forfeit 200 lb Tobacco each.
Ibid. 20.
14. A FINE, appropriated the One Half to the
Orphan, the other to the Informer.
Guardians, neglecting to have
a View and Estimation
of Orphans Real Estates, &c. forfeit 5000 lb
Tobacco; and Magistrates, or others, refusing or
neglecting to act herein, forfeit 500 lb Tobacco.
See Guardians, 17.
15. FINES, appropriated wholly to the Use of the
Country Regiment, or Troop or Company.
Private Men, in the Militia,
refusing to accept, or
give a Receipt, for Public Arms, forfeit 200 lb Tobacco.
See Public Arms, 6.
Troopers, refusing or neglecting
to appear at Musters,
forfeit 100 lb Tobacco. See Troopers, 3.
also Musters, 3, 5, 8, 9.
16. A FINE, appropriated the One Half to the
Use of the County Regiment, the other to the Informer.
Persons, knowingly
selling or purchasing Public
Arms, forfeit 40 s. each. See Public
Arms, 10.
17. FINES, wholly given to the Informer.
Sheriffs, Inspectors and Constables,
neglecting to
take the Oath prescribed in this Section, forfeit 800
Tobacco. see Tobacco Run, 7.
Persons removing Trashy Tobacco,
which hath
been stopped, &c. or rescuing the same, forfeit
2400 lb Tobacco for every Hogshead or Parcel so
removed or rescued, to the Use of the Person making
the Seizure. See Tobacco Trashy, 6.
18. FINES. wholly given to the Party grieved.
Persons convict of destroying
Tobacco Plants
belonging to others, forfeit 100 l. Sterling.
Tobacco Plants.
Inspectors forfeit 60 lb Tobacco
for every Neglect
of Attendance. See Inspectors, 13.
Officers, or their Clerks, &c.
charging other or
larger Fees than by this Law established, &c. forfeit
the Fees, and also 5000 lb Tobacco. But, in case
the Party grieved do not prosecute the Offender within
Six Months, then any other Person may prosecute
for the same. See Fees, 9.
Sheriff executing for Officers
Fees, against a former
Sheriff's Receipt, &c. forfeits treble the Sum
executed. See Sheriffs, 24.
19. FINES, appropriated the One Half to the Informer,
and the other to the Party grieved.
Persons, keeping any other Man's
Horse an Hour,
or riding or working the same, without Knowledge
or Consent of the Owner, forfeit 500 lb Tobacco.
See Horses, 4.
Persons, taking up Stray-Horses,
and acting contrary
to this Act, forfeit 30 l. Currency. See
20. FINES, appropriated the One Half to the Public
Charge, the other to the Informer.
Irish Servants, being Papists, Penalty
5 l. Sterling per Poll. See Irish Servants,
Liquors landed, before Entry,
&c. are forfeited,
or their Value. See Liquors Imported, 2.
Persons not making due Entry
of Negroes by
them imported, forfeit 5 l. Sterling, per Poll,
every Negro kept back, or unaccounted for. See
Negroes, 8, 9.
FISHING. See Sabbath Breaking, 1.
FLATS. See Boats.
FLAX. See Hemp.
1. The Commissioners of Charles-Town
in Cæcil
County, shall appoint a Viewer or Examiner of Flour,
who shall take Oath of Office (for which see the Act)
and no Flour shall be shipped off from the said Town,
but what shall be carefully viewed and branded by
him; for which Viewing and Branding he shall receive
Three Pence Currency per Barrel. 1744, ch. 22, §. 9.