FINES.----Half to the Support of Government, &c.
Vestries neglecting
to inspect Parochial Libraries
twice a year, forfeit 1400 lb Tobacco. See Parochial
Libraries, 3.
Persons convict of Subornation
of Perjury, forfeit
40 l. Sterling; and those convict of Perjury,
20 l. Sterling. See Perjury, 1,
2, 4.
Persons ranging the Woods after
Wild Cattle,
without Commission, forfeit, for every Wild Creature
by them kill'd or taken away, 5000 lb Tobacco.
And licenced Rangers taking up, &c. any unmarked
Cattle, under 3 Years old, forfeit the same. See
Rangers, 2, 4.
Persons embezzling, &c.
any Will or Record to
the Damage of another, forfeit all their Lands and
Goods. See Records, 14.
Persons dealing with Servants
or Slaves, without
Leave of their Owners, forfeit 2000
lb Tobacco.
See Servants, 5.
County Justices neglecting to
compleat their
Standards, &c. forfeit 500 lb
Tobacco each. See
Standard, 2.
Surveyors to take the Oaths,
&c. before they enter
on Duty, on Penalty of 100 l. Sterling.
Surveyors, 2.
County Courts neglecting to
transmit Sheriffs
Bonds within Two Months, to the Secretary's Office,
forfeit 1500 lb Tobacco. See Sheriffs,
6. FINES, wholly given to the County Charge or
County Clerks
neglecting to deliver the Appointment
of Constables to the Sheriff, and the Sheriff
neglecting to deliver the same to the respective Persons
so appointed, forfeit 20 s. for each Neglect.
See Constables, 2.
Sabbath Breakers, forfeit 200
lb Tobacco. See
Sabbath Breaking, 1.
Blasphemy, Persons convict thereof,
forfeit for
the first Offence 20 l. Sterling; for the second
40 l. Sterling. See Blasphemy, 1,
Constables refusing to qualify,
&c. forfeit 500 lb
Tobacco. See Constables, 3.
Persons Cursing or Swearing,
forfeit for the first
Oath or Curse 2 s. 6 d. and for
every Oath or Curse
after the first, 5 s. See Cursing, &c.
Persons convict of Drunkenness,
forfeit 5 s. for
every Offence. See Ibid. 2.
Magistrates and other Officers
mentioned in the
Act, being guilty themselves, or Swearing or Drunkenness,
or omitting to punish those Offences in
others, forfeit 10 s. for each Offence.
See Ibid. 5.
Persons convict of Fornication,
forfeit 600 lb
Tobacco, or 30 s. Currency; and for Adultery,
1200 lb Tobacco, or 3 l, Currency. See
Sheriffs neglecting to read
the Act of 1751,
ch. 14, for the more effectual punishment of
&c. on the 2d Day
of each County Court,
forfeit 5 l. Current Money. See Negroes,
7. FINES, Appropriated 1/2 to the County Charge,
and 1/2 to the Informer.
Millers neglecting to keep the
Bridges and Causeways
over the Dam, &c. i good Repair, forfeit 20 l.
Currency. See Water-Mills, 5.
House-keepers selling strong
Liquors on Sunday,
or suffering Drunkenness, Gaming, &c. in their
Houses, forfeit 2000 lb Tobacco. See Sabbath
Masters of Ships neglecting
to bring in an authentic
Testimonial of the Offences, &c. of Convicts
by them imported, forfeit 5 l. Currency for each
so by them imported; or neglecting to lodge
such Testimonial with the County Clerk, forfeit
5 l. Currency for each Offence. See Convicts,
1, 2.
Persons qualified to vote, and
not attending at Elections,
according to Notice, forfeit 100 l.
See Delegates, 5. |
FINES.----Half to the County Charge, &c.
Persons making,
&c. Barrels of Pork, Beef,
Pitch, &c. of less Size, &c. than required by
Act, forfeit 2 s. 6 d. per Barrel.
Packing Beef or
Pork in such undersized Cask, or packing in any
Cask less Beef or Pork than required by this Act,
forfeit 10 s. per Barrel. Bartering or
offering to
Sale, in any Manner, Pork or Beef unlawfully packed,
forfeit 10 s. per Barrel. Bartering, &c.
Tar, Turpentine., or Pitch, in Barrels
made or fitted
contrary to this Act, forfeit, for every Barrel of such
Pitch, 5 s. and for every Barrel of Tar or Turpentine,
2 s. 6 d. Or importing for Sale,
any Pork,
Beef, Tar, Turpentine, or Pitch, in Barrels of less
Size or Contents, &c. than required by this Act,
are liable to the like respective Penalties. See
of Barrels, 4-8, 10.
Persons exposing Flour or Bread
to Sale in Cask
not having the true Tare marked on the Bilge, forfeit
5 s. per Barrel. See Ibid. 9, 10.
Persons altering any public
Road, without Leave,
&c. forfeit 500 lb Tobacco. Overseers neglecting
to clear Roads, forfeit 500 lb Tobacco. Labourers,
not obeying the Overseer, forfeit 100 lb Tobacco.
Masters, &c. not sending all their Male Taxables,
when warned, forfeit 100 lb Tobacco for each such
Taxable. County Clerks not issuing Warrants to
Overseers, and Sheriffs not delivering the same, forfeit
each 1000 lb Tobacco. See Highways, 3-8.
Persons not having, or renting
Lands, and keeping
any Breeding Mare in the Woods, forfeit 600 lb
Tobacco. See Horses, 7.
Selling undue Quantities of
Liquors to Indians,
Penalty 3000 lb Tobacco. See Indians, 2.
Spreading false Reports concerning
Indians, Penalty,
500 lb Tobacco. See Ibid. 3.
Ministers omitting to read the
Act to punish Blasphemy,
&c. forfeit 1000 lb Tobacco. See Ministers
Persons refusing to assist the
Constables in the Execution
of the Act for preventing the tumultuous
Meetings of Slaves, forfeit 100 lb Tobacco. See
Negroes, 24.
Persons encouraging Negroes
to meet in Companies
on their Plantations, &c. forfeit 1000 lb Tobacco.
See Ibid. 29.
Owners, suffering their Slaves
to keep Horses, &c.
or raise Cattle or Hogs as the proper Right of such
Slaves, forfeit 500 lb Tobacco, together with such
Horses, &c. See Ibid. 30.
Sheriffs neglecting to read
the Act for preventing
the tumultuous Meetings of Slaves, &c. in every
County Court, forfeit 500 lb Tobacco. See Ibid.
Licenced Rangers, ranging in
any Island or inclosed
Grounds, without Leave of the Owner, forfeit
5000 lb Tobacco. See Rangers, 5.
Persons selling by dry Measures,
not tried, &c.
at the Standard, forfeit 500 lb Tobacco. And Persons
receiving Tobacco by Steelyards, not tried, &c.
within the Year, forfeit 1000 lb Tobacco. See
5, 6, 7.
Vestrymen neglecting to appoint
Inspectors annually,
forfeit 800 lb Tobacco each. See Inspectors,
Persons elected and refusing
to serve as Inspectors,
neglecting to signify their Refusal
in Writing,
and to deliver the same to the Sheriff, within Ten
Days, forfeit 400 lb Tobacco. See Ibid.
Persons, so nominated, taking
any Reward for refusing
to act, forfeit double the Value of such Bribe.
And the Person paying or offering such Bribe, forfeits
the same. See Ibid. 9.
Inspectors, acting as such,
before giving Security
and taking the Oaths, &c. forfeit 80,000 lb Tobacco.
See Ibid. 12.
Inspectors feigning Sickness,
forfeit, for every
Day's Absence, 320 lb Tobacco, See Ibid.
17. |