FINES, &c.----Support of Government.
wherein is an Incumbent, forfeit 5000
lb Tobacco.
See Marriage, 1, 2.
County Courts
neglecting to appoint Press-masters,
forfeit, each Justice, 500 lb Tobacco:
Persons so appointed, refusing to
serve, &c. forfeit
500 lb Tobacco for each Offence.
See Press-masters,
2, 3.
Persons unlawfully
abusing their Servants, forfeit,
for the First and Second Offence,
a Sum not exceeding
1000 lb Tobacco. See Servants,
Fines for
Breach of Rules in the Provincial Court
are not to exceed 1000 lb Tobacco.
See Provincial
Court, 2.
4. FINES, where Half is given
to his Lordship,
Half to the Informer.
Masters not
delivering a Gun to a Man-Servant
at the Expiration of his Servitude,
&c. And such
Freemen selling the same within Twelve
forfeit 500 lb Tobacco. See
Freedom Dues, 1.
Persons Running
Tobacco out of the Province,
without Entry with the proper Officer,
forfeit 10 l.
Sterling per Hogshead, or other
Package, and the
like Penalty for every Parcel of 500
Weight, and so
in Proportion. See Tobacco
Run, 1.
Tobacco, put
on Board any Ship, &c. in any River
or Creek, from whence Tobacco hath
been usually
carried into any neighbouring Colonies,
or laden
in any Cart, &c. without a Permit
from the proper
Officer, shall be forfeited, with
the Vessel, Cart,
and Horses, &c. See Ibid.
Persons abusing or resisting Officers in the Execution
of this Law, forfeit 10 l. Sterling. See Ibid. 3.
Officers of the Customs, Magistrates, Sheriffs,
Vestry-men, Church-wardens and Constables, neglecting
to put this Act in Execution, forfeit 5 l.
Sterling for every Neglect. See Ibid. 4.
Persons convict of Thieving, &c. hunting or carrying
a Gun on any seated Plantation, without Leave,
&c. forfeit 1000 l. Tobacco. See Hog Stealing, 3.
5. FINES, where Half is given to Support of Government,
and Half to the Informer, &c.
Injuring of Harbours by throwing
out Ballast,
Penalty is 50 l. Currency: By building
of Wears,
&c. Penalty is 10 l. Currency. See
1, 2.
Naval Officers neglecting to
keep a Copy of the
Act for preventing the Injury of Harbours in their
Offices, forfeit 10 l. Currency. See Naval
Officers, 7.
Shipping or transporting Hides
tanned or untanned,
or old Iron, out of the Province, the Penalty
is 50 l. Currency. See Hides, 2.
The Fines upon Ingrossers.
See Ingrossers, 2.
Carrying Liquors to Indian
Towns; Penalty,
5000 lb Tobacco. See Indians, 1.
Clerk of the Council, and Clerk
of the Lower
House, neglecting to transmit Copies
of the respective
Journals of the Two Houses to the Secretary's
Office, within Two Months after the End of each
Session, forfeit 500 lb Tobacco. See Journals
of Assembly.
Persons Marrying without
Publication or Licence,
forfeit 5000 lb Tobacco: And Ministers marrying
such, forfeit 5000 lb Tobacco. See Marriages,
Persons resident in this Province,
getting their
Marriage solemnized in any neighbouring Colony
(unless the Woman be Resident in such Colony)
forfeit 5000 lb Tobacco. See Ibid.
Persons exacting more than legal
Interest, forfeit
treble Value of the Debt. See Usury, 3.
Millers taking unlawful Toll,
forfeit 1000 lb Tobacco.
See Water Mills, 5.
Collectors not setting up Tables
of their Fees,
in their Offices, forfeit 50 l. Sterling.
See Collectors.
County Courts neglecting to
give in Charge to the
Orphan Jury, every June Court, to enquire if
Waste hath been made of Orphans Lands, forfeit
1600 lb Tobacco. See Orphans, 14. |
FINES.----Half to the Support of Government, &c.
Persons permitting
or conniving at Running Tobacco,
before Duty paid, into Pennsylvania, &c.
the Owners, Purchasers, and Carriers of such Tobacco,
and their Assistants and Abettors, forfeit 10 l.
Sterling for every Hogshead, or every 400 lb Tobacco
so carried. See Tobacco Duties, 2.
Vestries neglecting to transmit
a yearly Account
(of the disposal of the 40 per Poll during the Vacancy
of any Parish, or of the 10 per Poll Parochial
Tax) to the Governor and Council, forfeit 1000 lb
Tobacco. See Vestry, 29.
Secretary making default in
Recording the Acts
of Assembly, forfeits 10,000 lb Tobacco. See Acts
of Assembly, 5.
Magistrates, Sheriffs, or Clerks,
practicing as Attorneys
in the Courts wherein they bear Office,
forfeit 3000 lb Tobacco. See Attorneys,
Attorney-General, &c. issuing
Criminal Process
without Presentment, &c. forfeit s in the Provincial
Court 5000 lb Tobacco, in a County Court 2500 lb
Tobacco. See Ibid. 4.
Sheriffs taking Bail Bonds for
more than 8000 lb
Tobacco in Action of Trespass, forfeit 4000 lb
Tobacco. See Bail Bonds.
Commissary-General neglecting
to transmit Accounts
of the Balances of Intestates Estates to the
County Court, &c. forfeits 10,000 lb Tobacco.
Commissary-General, 4.
Sheriffs not giving Notice,
&c. of Elections,
may be fined at the Discretion of the Lower House
of Assembly, not exceeding 250 l. Sterling.
Delegates, 4.
Deputy-Commissary not transmitting
Accounts in
Time, to the Commissary-General, forfeits 2000 lb
Tobacco. See Deputy-Commissary, 5.
County Clerks issuing Criminal
Process without
an Order for the same, under the Hand of an
Attorney, forfeit 2500 lb Tobacco. See COunty
Clerks, 21.
County Clerks delivering out
blank Writs, &c.
forfeit 6000 lb Tobacco. See Ibid. 22.
Merchants or Others, Shipping
Tobacco before
Publication of the Freight, forfeit all such Tobacco,
or the Value thereof. Masters of Ships taking
on board before such Publication, forfeit 20 s.
per Hogshead. Omitting to send a Certificate of
Publication with Craft fetching Tobacco from another
County, forfeit 20 s. Sterling. And Collectors
and Naval Officers neglecting to affix Copies of this
Act in their respective Offices, forfeit 40 s
See Freight of Tobacco.
Sheriffs neglecting to forward
Public Letters, forfeit
2000 lb Tobacco. See Letters Public, 4.
Persons breaking open any Public
Letter, forfeit
20 l. Sterling. See Ibid.
Persons breaking open any Private
Letter, forfeit
5 l. Sterling. See Letters Private,
County Clerks neglecting to
transmit a Copy of
the Levy to the Governor and Council yearly, before
the Tenth of March, forfeit 1000 lb Tobacco.
See Levies, 2.
Liquors brought by Land from
Pennsylvania to any
other Place than Bohemia Landing, or put
on board
any Vessel in the Bay, before Duty paid, are forfeited,
or their Value. See Liquors Imported, 9,
Liquors landed before Invoice
upon Oath, and
Entry made, are forfeited, or their Value. See
14, 15.
Persons exacting undue Fees
upon Naturalization
Bills, forfeit 2000 lb Tobacco. See Naturalization
Bills, 2.
Naval Officers neglecting to
put up Tables of
their Fees in their several Offices, forfeit 50 l.
See Naval Officers, 6.
Naval Officers not setting up
a Copy of the Act
to prevent Injury of Harbours in their Offices, forfeit
10 l. Currency. See Ibid. 7. |