HORATIO SHARPE, Esq; Governor.
1757. |
An Act continuing an Act, entitled, i An
Additional Supplementary Act, to the Act,
entitled, An Act relating to Servants and Slaves.
Lib. H.S. fol. 342. EXP. |
Passed 16th
Dec. 1757. |
i 1748, ch. 19,
hereby continued 3 Years, &c.
An Act continuing an Act, entitled, k An
Act for Punishment of Horse-Stealers,
and other Offenders. Lib. H.S.
fol. 343. EXP. |
Ditto. |
k 1744, ch. 20,
hereby continued 3 Years, &c.
An Act continuing an Act, entitled, l An
Act for the more effectual Punishment
of Negroes and other Slaves, and for taking away
the Benefit of Clergy from
certain Offenders; and a Supplementary Act to
an Act, entitled, An Act to prevent
the tumultuous Meeting and other Irregularities
of Negroes and other Slaves,
and directing the Manner of Trying Slaves.
H.S. fol. 343. EXP. |
Ditto. |
l 1751, ch. 14,
hereby continued 3 Years, &c.
An Act continuing an Act, entitled, m An
Act to exempt Persons appearing at
Musters from Arrests in Civil Cases. Lib.
H.S. fol. 344. EXP. |
Ditto. |
m 1748, ch. 1,
hereby continued 3 years, &c.
An Act continuing an Act, entitled, n An
Act to make the Testimony of convicted
Persons, Legal against convicted Persons.
H.S. fol. 344. EXP. |
Ditto. |
n 1751, ch. 11,
hereby continued 3 Years, &c.
An Act to prohibit raising of Swine and Geese in Frederick-Town,
in Frederick
County. Lib. H.S. fol. 345.
N.B. By
this Act, (1.) No Person whatsoever, living within the same
Town, shall, on any
Pretence, keep or support within the same Town, any Swine or Geese belonging
to themselves
or others, unless within their own Inclosures. (2.) If any
Person living in the said Town, shall
suffer any Swine or Geese, belonging to themselves, or
under their Care, to go at large within
the said Town, it shall be lawful for any person to shoot or destroy such
Swine or Geese so
found at large. (3.) Persons sued for shooting or destroying
such Swine or Geese as aforesaid,
may plead the General issue, and give this Act, and the Special Matter
in Evidence.
Ditto. |
An Act for suppressing Plumb-Point Warehouse, in Calvert
County. Lib.
H.S. fol. 345. EXP.
N.B. This Act
being founded on the Inspection Law of 1753, ch. 22, fell, together
with it,
on the 1st December 1763.
Ditto. |
An Act to impower Susannah Risteau, Widow and Administratrix
of Talbot Ristreau,
late of Baltimore, deceased, to sell the House
and Lands therein mentioned,
for the Payment of the Debts of the said Talbot
Risteau. Lib. H.S. fol.
346. PR.
Ditto. |
An Act continuing an Act, entitled, o An
Act for the speedy and effectual Publication
of the Laws of this Province, and for the Encouragement
of Jonas
Green, of the City of Annapolis, Printer.
Lib. H.S. fol. 348. EXP. |
Ditto. |
o 1756, ch. 14,
hereby continued till the 20th December 1758.
An Additional Supplementary Act to the Act, entitled, p
An ACt for issuing and
taking out of the Office of the Commissioners or Trustees,
appointed for emitting
Bills of Credit, established by the Act of Assembly,
the Sum of Four Thousand Five
Hundred Pounds Current Money, for Encouragement of such
able-bodied Freemen
as shall voluntarily enlist themselves into his Majesty's
Service, for the intended
Expedition against Canada; and for maintaining
and conveying them to the
Place of Rendezvous; as also for replacing of the said
Sum, and for the better
Regulating Ordinaries and Ordinary-Keepers, and for
other Purposes therein
mentioned. Lib. H.S. fol. 348.
N.B. This
ACt (which was to be in Force for 3 years, and thence to the End of the
succeeding Session, and which consequently expired the 24th April
1762,) was for restraining Persons,
not under Licence, from REtailing Spirituous Liquors, &c. with some
farther Regulations
relating to Ordinary Keepers under Licence. And the Fines,
&c. on Offences against this Act,
were applied, One Half to the Use of the Informer, and the other Half to
the same Purposes as
the Ordinary Licence Money, &c. |
p 1746, ch. 1. |