1758. |
At a Session of ASSEMBLY begun and held at the
City of Annapolis, on Tuesday the 28th Day of
March, in the 7th Year of the Dominion of the
Right Honourable FREDERICK, absolute Lord and
Proprietary of the Provinces of Maryland and
Lord Baron of Baltimore, &c. and ended
the 13th Day of May following, in the 8th Year
of his Lordship's Dominion, Annoq; Domini 1758:
The following Laws were Enacted. |
HORATIO SHARPE, Esq; Governor.
Passed 31st
March 1758. |
An Act for Encouragement of a Party of Cherokee Indians,
which have been
some Time on the Frontiers of this Province; and for
Payment of the reasonable
Expences of their Interpreter and Conductor. Lib.
H.S. fol. 356. OBS.
N.B. By
this Act, (1.) The Agents appointed by the Act of 1756, ch.
5, were directed to
lay out, with Approbation of the Governor, 300 l.
now in their Hands unexpended, in Goods
proper to be presented to the said Indians, &c. (2.)
The said Agents to pay William Cromwell
their Conductor, 36 l. 6 s. 9 d.
To Richard Smith their Interpreter, 20 l. and to Catharine
40 l. for their Maintainance at Annapolis; and also the
reasonable Expences of the Return of the
said Indians, Interpreter and Conductor, from Annapolis to
Fort-Frederick. (3.) The said Agents
to lay Accounts upon Oath, of all Monies by them paid in Virtue of this
Act, before the General
Assembly at the Session next after the same shall be so paid, &c. on
the third Day thereof,
under the like Penalty as by the aforesaid Act is imposed upon them, in
Case of Non-Performance
of their Duty under the said Act.
Passed 1st
May 1758.
a 1750, ch. 7. |
An aiding Supplementary Act to an Act, entitled, A Supplementary
Act to an Act,
entitled, a An Act
to enable the Justices of Baltimore County Court, to assess
and levy on the Taxable Inhabitants of St. George's
Parish in that County, a
Sum of Money for the Uses therein mentioned. Lib.
H.S. fol. 357. OBS.
N.B. The
Supplementary Act of 1757, ch. 18, not coming timely to the Justices
to make
the Assessment directed by the said Act to be made at November Court
1757, (the Act not passing
the Seals till the 6th December) the Present Act was made to enable
the Justices to assess and levy
on the Taxable Inhabitants of the said Parish, the Sum of 275 l.
Current Money, directed by
the said Supplementary Act to be levied at November Court 1757,
at their adjourned March Court
to be held on the 8th May next. And also to release the said
Inhabitants from 7 lb of the 10 lb
Tobacco per Poll laid on them at November Court last, on Application
of the Vestry; the same
not being now wanting for the Purposes thereby intended.
Passed 13th
May 1758. |
An Act to make it Penal to Forge or Counterfeit the Bills of Credit
of Virginia,
Pennsylvania, New-York, East or West Jerseys,
or the Three Lower Counties
on Delaware, called New-Castle, Kent and
Sussex; or to utter or tender the
same in Payment within this Province, knowing them to
be such. Lib. H.S.
fol. 359. EXP.
To continue for 3 Years, and to the
End of the next Session of Assembly; so that it Expired
the 24th April 1762.
Ditto. |
An ACT relating to Guardians and Orphans. Lib. H.S.
fol. 360.
Preamble. |
WHEREAS Disputes have arisen, and may arise, between Guardians
and their Wards, in respect of their Right or Title to Lands, Tenements,
or Hereditaments, the Possession whereof the said Guardians
have obtained, or may obtain, in Right of their Wards: For REmedy
II. Be it Enacted,
by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by and
with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and the
Upper and Lower |