1650. |
CHAP. XXIX. [ ** ]
An Act for taking an Oath of Fidelity to the Lord Proprietary.
Lib. C and
WH. fol. 122. Lib. WH. fol.
67. and Lib. WH and L. fol. 10. |
Confirmed among the perpetual Laws, by 1676, ch.
CHAP. XXX. [ ** ]
An Act concerning Accountants to the Lord Proprietary. Lib.
C and WH. fol.
125. Lib, WH fol. 149. and
Lib. WH and L. fol. 12. |
Confirmed among the perpetual Laws, by 1676, ch.
CHAP. XXXI. [ ** ]
An Act concerning Trade with the Indians. Lib. C
and WH. fol. 126. Lib.
WH. fol. 150. and Lib. WH and
L. fol. 12.
Confirmed among the perpetual
Laws, by 1676, ch. 2.
N.B. By this Act (1.) All Inhabitants
of the Province had free Liberty to trade with any
Indians, for any Beaver, or other Commodities, and the same to export
(Corn excepted, which
could not be exported without special Leave from the Governor) paying a
Tenth in Weight or
Value, for all Beaver so traded for, for a Custom to his Lordship, &c.
(2.) No such Traders
to sell any Arms or Ammunition to any Indians, of Quarrel with,
or give just Occasion of Offence
to the Indians, whereby the public Peace, &c. might be endangered;
nor to enhance the
Price of Corn, to the Prejudice of the People; nor to go out upon
such Trade, too weak in
Strength, or Arms, whereby the Indians might be emboldened to do
them Mischief. (3.) Inhabitants
of this Province, desirous so to trade, were to take
out Licence from the Governor (which
was never to be denied upon Application) and give Security for observing
the Provisoes above mentioned.
(4.) No Persons, not being Inhabitants, were permitted to trade with
the Indians, without
special Licence, under the Great Seal, on pain of Confiscation
of all Goods and Commodities
so traded with, or for, &c.
An Act for Fees to the Sheriff. REP. 1676, ch. 2.
An Act concerning the Registering of Births, Marriages and Burials.
1678, ch. 16.
N.B. All the Acts of this
Session, from chap. 2, to 22, inclusive, are recorded in the Land-Office,
Lib. N° 3. from fol. 29 to fol. 44; and
in the Council-Book, from fol. 375, to fol.
All the LAWS marked thus [ ** ] viz. from chap.
23, to ch. 31, inclusive, were Part of the
18 Laws made Annis 1649 and 1750 [sic], which were confirmed by an Instrument
under his Lordship's
Hand and Seal, dated the 6th August 1650.
Acts and Orders of ASSEMBLY, made at a General
Session of Assembly, held at St. Mary's, for
Province of Maryland, on the 11th Day
of March,
Anno Domini 1650, as follows. |
WILLIAM STONE, Esq; Governor.
An Act concerning the Secretary's and Clerk's Fees. REP. 1676,
ch. 2.
An Act for the Surveyor-General's Fees. REP. 1676, ch.
An Order for the raising of the Levies. OBS.
Here followeth a List of ACTS, &c. passed in this Province
during the Time of OLIVER CROMWELL's Usurpation,
while the Government remained in the Hands of the Parliament's
Commissioners, viz. |