WILLIAM STONE, Esq; Governor
1650. |
laid, assessed, levied or imposed, upon the Freemen of this Province,
or on
their Merchandize, Goods or Chattels, without the Consent and Approbation
of the Freemen of this Province, their Deputies, or the major Part
them, first had and declared in a General Assembly of this Province.
Examined and Compared with the Record, REVERDY GHISELIN,
CHAP. XXVI. [ ** ]
An ACT concerning the Levying of War, within this Province.
Lib. C and WH. fol. 119.
Lib. WH fol. 117. and Lib. WH
and L. fol. 9. |
Confirmed among the perpetual Laws, by 1676, ch.
THIS Assembly humbly prays that it may be Enacted, And
be it Enacted
by the Lord Proprietary, with
the Advice and Assent of the Upper
and Lower House of this
present Assembly, That if the Lord Proproietary,
or his Heirs, or any Deputy or Deputies,
Lieutenant, or other
Chief Governor or Governors of this
Province, shall, at any Time hereafter,
make any War out of the Limits or
Precincts of this Province, without the
Consent and Approbation of the General
Assembly of this Province first had
and declared, the Freemen of this
Province shall be no Way obliged or compelled,
against their Consents, to aid or
assist with their Persons or Estate in
the Prosecution or Maintenance of
such War; but are and shall be discharged
of all Attendance or Supply concerning
or in relation to such War; any
Law, Usage or Custom, to be contrary
hereof in any wise notwithstanding.
If his Lordship
War without
the Province,
the Freemen
shall not be
obliged to assist.
II. And
do further humbly pray that it may be Enacted, and
be it Enacted
by the Authority aforesaid,
That no Martial Law shall, at anyTime hereafter,
be exercised within this Province,
but only in Time of Camp, or Garrison,
and that within such Camp, or Garrison.
Martial Law
not to be exercised
but in
Camp. |
III. And be
it further Enacted by the
Authority aforesaid, That
all Charges
arising from Time to Time, by Defence
of the Province against any Invasion
of any Enemy or Enemies, or against
any domestic Insurrections, or Rebellions
against the public Peace of this
Province, or the Government established
herein, and under the Lord proprietary,
and his Heirs, Lords and Proprietaries
of this Province, shall be defrayed by this Province, by an equal Assessment
upon the Persons and Estates of
the Inhabitants thereof; any Thing in
this Act, or in any other Act, to
the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.
Examined and Compared with the Record, REVERDY
In case of Invasion,
Insurrection, &c.
within the
Province, the
Public shall
defray the
CHAP. XXVII [ ** ]
An Act prohibiting the Transportation, or Sale of his Lordship's
Ordnance, Ammunition,
Goods, Cattle, &c. REP. 1678, ch.
16. |
Confirmed among the perpetual Laws, by 1676, ch.
and Repealed as above.
CHAP. XXVIII. [ ** ]
An ACT for the speedy Payment of Debts due to the Lord Proprietary.
Lib. C and WH. fol. 120.
Lib. WH. fol. 67. and
Lib. WH and L. fol. 9 |
Confirmed among the perpetual Laws, by 1676, ch.
BE it Enacted by
the Lord proprietary of this Province, with the Consent
and approbation of the Upper
and Lower House of this Assembly, That all
Debts, which either are or shall
be, from Time to Time, really and
truly due to his Lordship, or his
Heirs, Lords and Proprietaries of this Province,
shall be first paid and satisfied,
within the said Province, before any
other Debts whatsoever.
Examined and Compared with the Record, REVERDY GHISELIN,