neglect to meet, and be present, at any of the Times appointed for
the Meeting
of the said Visitors, so that the necessary Affairs of the said School
Schools cannot be transacted and directed that then it shall and may be
for the Visitors of each Schools, or the major Part of such Visitors, who
shall so meet, are hereby directed and impowered to nominate and choose
or more of the principal and better Sort of the Inhabitants of the County,
into the Place and Room of the said Visitor so refusing or neglecting as
which Person or Persons so elected and chosen, from Time to Time,
are always to be qualified in the same Manner as is directed for the Qualification
of Visitors, by the said recited Act.
III. And be it
further Enacted, by the Authority, Advice and Consent aforesaid,
That the Master of every Public School within this Province, shall,
is hereby required to teach as may poor Children gratis, as the
Visitors, or
the major Part of them, of the respective Schools shall order, or be immediately
discharged and removed from his Trust in the said School, and a new
Master put in.
IV. And whereas
some Doubts have arisen on the Explanation and Construction
of an Act, entitled, An Act for laying an additional Duty of Twenty
Shillings Current Money per Poll, on all Irish Servants, being Papists,
to prevent
the Growth of Popery, by the Importation of too great a Number of
them into this
Province: And also the additional Duty of Twenty Shillings Current
Money per
Poll on all Negroes, for raising a Fund for the Use of Public Schools within
the several
Counties of this Province, whether the Twenty Shillings Current Money
thereby imposed on Irish Servants, being Papists, and Negroes imported
this Province, by Land or Water, were intended by the said Act, or
shall be
construed to be imposed on such Irish Servants, being Papists, and
as have been, or shall be imported in any Ship or Vessel built in this
whereof the Owners have been, or shall be actually Residents in this
Province, or held, by Owners Residents within this Province.
V. Be it therefore
Declared, and it is hereby Enacted, by the Authority
aforesaid, by and with the Advice and Consent aforesaid, That no Ship
or Vessel.
whereof all the Owners have been (or shall be) actually Residents of this
Province; or no Ship or Vessel, English or Plantation built, purchased,
and held, by Owners Residents within this Province, shall be construed
to have been, or shall hereafter be discharged, and not liable to the Payment
of the aforesaid Duty of Twenty Shillings Current Money per Poll on
all Irish Servants, being Papists, and all Negroes imported into
this Province,
in such Ship or Vessel; any Law or Usage to the contrary thereof in any
Examined and Compared with the Original Act, REVERDY GHISELIN,
Others may
be chosen in
their Room,
who shall
qualify as directed
by the
original Act.
What poor
Children shall
be taught
Doubts on
the Act of
1717, ch. 10,
The Duty
thereby imposed,
be paid for
Irish Servants
being Papists
and Negroes
imported in
Country Bottoms. |
An Act to appropriate Part of the Land laid out in the City of Annapolis
the building a Custom-house on, to and for the building
a Market-house. Lib.
L Nº 5. fol. 214.
N.B. By
this Act, (1.) Henry Ridgely, Mordecai Hammond, and
John Welsch, Gent. or any
Two of them, were impowered to survey, lay out, and mark, 60 Feet in Breadth
on the Water,
360 Feet in Length, and 25 Feet on the Head of the Land formerly allotted
to build a Custom-house
on (which is contained by 250 Feet in Breadth on the Water, 360 Feet in
Length, and
82 Feet in Breadth on the Head of the said Land) and
return a Certificate thereof, to be recorded
in the Mayor's Court; and the Corporation to be seized of an Estate in
Fee-simple in and to
the Land so laid out, &c. Provided the Corporation build a Market-house
thereon within Two
Years after such Survey, &c. (2.) The Corporation are impowered
to sell the Land formerly
laid out for a Market-house; and to apply the Money arising
from such Sale towards building
the Market-house intended by this Act. See 1751, ch. 21, which
impowered the Corporation to
sell the Market-house and Land established by this Act, and to apply the
Money arising from
such Sale towards the Purchasing some other Piece of Ground within the
City, and building
thereon a new Market-house.
Passed 2d
Nov. 1728. |