1728. |
Repeal of
former Laws.
Penalty on
Persons hunting
Islands, &c.
Leave. |
Allowance in this Act, mentioned in the County Levy, unless he or they
first declare, upon their Corporal Oath, to be administered by such
Justice or
Justices so applied to, (or Affirmation by the People called Quakers,)
such Wolf or Wolves, whereof those are the Heads, were actually killed
that County where they pray for such Allowance: And further that
no Certificate
(in order to be allowed in any the several Counties within this Province)
shall be given by any the Justices aforesaid, for any Wolves Head or
Heads, that shall be brought before them by any Indian, or that
has been
bought of any Indian, by any Person whatsoever, unless such
Wolves Head
or Heads be brought before such Justice or Justices, whole and entire,
that they appear to such Justice to be green and fresh killed.
VI. And be it
further Enacted, by the Authority, Advice and Consent aforesaid,
That this Act shall commence from the Fifteenth Day of December
after the End of this Session of Assembly; and that thenceforth all
heretofore made, in relation to Wolves, Squirrels and Crows, be and
hereby repealed, abrogated, and made null and void.
VII. And be it
further Enacted, by the Authority, Advice and Consent aforesaid,
That every Person that shall, during the Continuance of this Act, presume
upon any Pretence whatsoever, to come to hunt with Guns or Dogs,
within any inclosed Grounds, Islands, Peninsulaes, or Necks, fenced
from Water to Water, without Leave or Licence from the Proprietors
first had and obtained, shall, for every such Offence, forfeit and
pay to
the Party grieved, the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds of Tobacco; to be
before a single Magistrate, in the same Manner as small Debts now
are recoverable; any law, Statute, or Usage to the contrary notwithstanding.
Examined and Compared with the Original Act, REVERDY GHISELIN,
Passed 2d
Nov. 1728.
* 1723, ch. 19.
† 1717, ch. 10. |
An ACT to supply some Defects in the Act, entitled, * An Act
for the Encouragement of Learning, and erecting
Schools in
the several Counties within this Province; and also
to explain
an Act, entitled, † An Act for laying an additional
Duty of
Twenty Shillings Current Money per Poll on all Irish
being Papists, to prevent the Growth of Popery by the
of too great a Number of them into this Province; and
also the additional Duty of Twenty Shillings Current
per Poll on all Negroes; for raising a Fund for the
Use of
Public Schools within the several Counties of this Province.
Lib. L. Nº 5. fol. 212.
Visitors refusing,
&c. to
meet at the
Times appointed, |
WHEREAS by the Act, entitled, An Act for the Encouragement of
Learning, and erecting Schools in the several Counties within this
Province, Direction and Power are given for the Nomination
and Choice of any Person or Persons, in the Room and Place of any Visitor
or Visitors, dying, or removing out of the County; but no Provision is
by the said Act, for the turning out and supplying the Place of any Visitor
or Visitors, wilfully neglecting or refusing to act in the Duty and Office
of a
Visitor; by which Means several Inconveniencies, and much Damages have,
and may happen to the School: For Remedy whereof,
II. Be it Enacted,
by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by and
with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and the Upper and
Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of the same, That in case
of the Visitors
of the said Schools, shall hereafter wilfully and obstinately refuse or |