1728. |
Passed 2d
Nov. 1728. |
An Act repealing Part of an Act, entitled, f
An Act concerning Tobacco, made
at a Session of Assembly begun and held at the
City of Annapolis, on Tuesday
the 10th Day of October 1727.
L. Nº 5. fol. 216. |
f 1727, ch. 7,
which being Temporary is since EXP.
Passed 21st
October 1728. |
An Act for the Relief of Sarah Massey of the City of Philadelphia.
Lib. L.
Nº 5. fol. 217. PR. |
Passed 22d
October 1728. |
An ACT for destroying Bears in Somerset County. Lib.
L. Nº
5. fol. 219. |
100 lb Tobacco
for every
Head brought
to any Justice
in Somerset
who shall
cause the Ears
and Tongue
to be cut, and
grant Certificate,
but not before
Oath be
made that the
Bear was killed
in that
nor to an Indian,
the Head be
entire, &c.
Duration. |
FORASMUCH as it is represented to this present General Assembly,
That the Inhabitants of Somerset County are much oppressed by
Be it Enacted, by the
Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by and
with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and the
Upper and Lower
Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of the same, That every
Person that shall
bring to any justice of the Peace, in Somerset County, the Head
of a Bear
that was killed in the said County, shall be allowed in the Levy of
the said
County, One Hundred Pounds of Tobacco; which said Sum of One Hundred
Pounds of Tobacco, for each Bear that shall be so killed, the Justices
of the said County are hereby required and impowered to levy upon the
County. And to prevent a double Allowance for one Bear, the Justice
whom any such Bear's Head shall be brought, is hereby required to cause
the Ears thereof to be cut off, and it's Tongue to be cut out; and
to give a
Certificate thereof to the party producing the said Head.
II. Provided
always, That it shall not be lawful for any of the Justices
of the County aforesaid, to give any Certificate for any Bear's Head
than what shall be killed by an Indian) before the party producing
the same
shall make Oath (or Affirmation if a Quaker) that the Bear, for which
Certificate is desired, was killed in the County aforesaid, after the
this Act; nor to give a Certificate for the Head of any Bear killed
by an Indian,
unless the said Head be brought to him whole and entire, and that it
appear to be green, and fresh killed; any thing herein contained to
the contrary
thereof in any wise notwithstanding.
III. This Act to continue in Force for g
Three Years, and from thence
'til the End of the next Session of Assembly, which shall happen after
said Three Years.
Examined and Compared with the Original Act, REVERDY GHISELIN,
g Continued without Limitation
by 1732, ch. 9.
Passed 24th
October 1728. |
An act to confirm Two Deeds of Sale, the one from George Oldfield,
and Petronella
his Wife; and the other from Richard Carr,
Son and Heir at Law
to a certain John Carr of Cæcil
County, deceased, to Casparus Augustine Herman.
Lib. L. Nº 5. fol. 220. PR. |
Ditto. |
An Act for Naturalization of William Rayman of the
City of Annapolis.
Lib. L. Nº 5. fol. 222.
PR. |
Ditto. |
An Act for erecting a new Parish out of that Part of St. Paul's
Parish that lies
in Ann-Arundel County, and out of All-Hallow's
St. Anne's Parishes in
the said County. Lib. L. Nº 5.
N.B. By
this Act, (1.) All the remaining Part, heretofore called Elk-Ridge-Hundred,
was not annexed to Westminster Parish, being now
a Part of St. Paul's Parish aforesaid; and all
that part of All-Hallow's Parish, bounded by a
Line drawn from the Mouth of Rogue's-Harbour-Branch,
on Patuxent River, to the North Branch, or Snowden's
River, on the Southward of |