shall be so produced to him, to prevent their being produced a second
and give such Person a Certificate under his Hand, certifying the Number
Squirrels Scalps and Crows Heads, such Person brought before him; which
Certificate, the person obtaining the same, shall lay before the Justices
of their
County, at the Time of the laying their County Levy; and the Justices
shall then cause a List of the Taxables of their County, to be laid
before them,
in order from thence to compare the Number of Taxables each person
in the County, with the Certificates produced, that thereby it may
be found,
what Persons have complied with in this Act, and who have failed therein.
By the Temporary Law of 1758, ch.
11, this Act, so far as relates to St. Mary's, Somerset,
Charles, Ann-Arundel, Cæcil, Calvert, Worcester,
Prince George's, Frederick, Baltimore and Dorchester,
Counties, is repealed. Four Squirrels Scalps, or
Crows Heads, shall be produced for each
Taxable in the aforesaid Counties; and Two Pounds of
Tobacco be leviable by Execution
for every such Scalp, &c. not produced.
II. And be it
further Enacted,
by the Authority, Advice and Consent aforesaid,
That every Person that shall fall short of producing a Certificate
of Squirrels
Scalps, or Crows Heads, in proportion to their Taxables, according to the
of this Act, the Justices of the several and respective County Courts
within this Province, at the Time of laying the County Levy, are hereby
and required, for each Squirrel Scalp, or Crows Head, such Person
shall fall short, in Manner aforesaid, to levy upon such Person the Sum
of Two
Pounds of Tobacco; to be upon Execution, and collected by the Sheriff of
the County in the same manner as the Public and County Levies are, to be
applied towards defraying the County Charge.
III. And be it
further Enacted, by Authority Advice and Consent aforesaid,
That every Person that shall bring to any Justice of the Peace within
this Province, the Heads or Scalps of any more Squirrels or Crows, than
Three for each Taxable, by this Act required, shall, for every such Head
or Scalp, be e allowed in the County Levy, where
such Squirrel or Crow
was killed, the Sum of Two Pounds of Tobacco; and the Justice of the
Peace before whom such Heads or Scalps shall be brought, is hereby required
to give the Person bringing the same, a Certificate thereof; and cause
said Heads and Scalps to be burnt, or otherwise destroyed. Provided
That no Person whatsoever shall be entitled to any Allowance for
Squirrels or Crows Heads or Scalps, without first making Oath (or Affirmation,
if a Quaker,) or otherwise make appear, that such Squirrels or Crows
were killed after the commencement of this ACt, and in the County where
the Allowance is prayed.
e This Allowance
at present extends only to the Counties of Kent, Queen-Ann's and
See the Note upon §.
1. See also the Act of 1749, ch. 9, § . 2.
IV. And be it
further Enacted, by Authority, Advice and Consent aforesaid,
That the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds of Tobacco shall be allowed
to every Person that shall bring a Wolf's Head to any Justice of the Peace,
that County Levy where the Wolf was killed. And the Justice of the
before whom any Wolf's Head is brought, shall cause the Tongue thereof
be cut out, and Ears to be cropt, that it may not be presented again:
And the
several County Courts within this Province, are hereby required and impowered
to levy the several Sums of Tobacco, by this Act to be allowed, in their
County Levies, upon their several and respective Counties.
For the particular Allowance, and other
Regulations with respect to Wolves killed in Frederick
County, see 1751, ch.
V. And be it
further Enacted, by the Authority, Advice and Consent aforesaid,
That from and after the commencement of this Act, it shall not be
lawful for any Justice or Justices of the Peace within any of the several
Counties within this Province, to whom any Wolves Heads, other than those
killed by an Indian, shall be brought, and Application made, by
any person
or Persons whatsoever, for a Certificate thereof, to entitle him or them
to the |
Which shall
be laid before
the County
2 lb Tobacco
to be levied,
on Persons
falling short,
for every such
Scalp, &c.
not produced,
2 lb Tobacco
to be allowed
in the County
Levy for every
such Scalp,
&c. produced
over and above
the 3
per Taxable.
An Oath required.
200 lb Tobacco
for every
An Oath to
be made before
granted. |