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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 237   View pdf image (33K)
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of Liquors by
them imported,

Naval Officers
to collect,
and have
8 per Cent.

For such Liquors
within 3
Months, a
Drawback of
three Fourths
of the Duty
to be allowed.

An Oath to
be taken by
the Exporter,
to entitle him
to the Drawback.

Country Bottoms
Property exempted
the Payment
of any Duties
in this Act.


Liquors aforesaid; and the several and respective Naval Officers within this
Province for the Time being, shall, at the Time of their Entry of such Ship
or Vessel as aforesaid, take good and sufficient Security, in his Majesty's
Name, for the payment of the said Imposition last mentioned, to such Use
and Purpose, in such Manner and Form as by this Act is appointed; all which
Duties arising by the impositions aforesaid, shall be collected and gathered by
the Naval Officers in their several and respective Districts, for which they shall?
have Eight per Cent Salary, and no more.

    XV.   Provided always, That if any Importer of Rum or Wine into this
Province, after the End of this Session of Assembly, and within Three Months
after his Arrival, and such his Report made to the Naval Officer, or such other
officer legally impowered as aforesaid to take the same as aforesaid, shall 
export any of the said Rum, Brandy, Spirits or Wine by him imported as aforesaid, 
it shall and may be lawful for every such Importer, by way of Debenture
or Drawback Money, to stay and detain Three Fourth Parts of such

    XVI.  Always Provided, That the said Exporter, who desireth the Benefit
of the said Debenture or Drawback, shall declare on his Corporal Oath, to
be administered by the said Officer on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty GOD,
That the said Rum, Brandy, Spirits or Wine, by him desired to be Exported, is
Part of the said Rum, Brandy, Spirits or Wine, by him Imported, and made Report
of as aforesaid.

    XVII.   And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, by and with 
the Advice and Consent aforesaid, That no Ship or Vessel built in this Province,
whereof all the Owners shall be actually Residents of this Province, and that
no Ship or Vessel, English or Plantation built, purchased, enjoyed, and held
by Owners which are all Residents within this Province, nor the Owners
thereof, shall any ways be liable to pay any the Duties aforementioned, for
any Thing in this Act mentioned, which shall be imported in any such Ship
or Vessel.  Provided, The said Servants, Negroes, or Liquors, are brought
into the Capes of Chesapeak Bay, or into any the Inlets on the Sea-board
Side of Somerset County, in any of the aforesaid Ships or Vessels and not
taken on board in the said Bay, or any Creel or River thereto belonging, or
from on board any other Ship or Vessel whatsoever within Ten Leagues of
the Capes of the said Bay; any thing in this Act, or any other Law, Statute,
or Usage, to the contrary notwithstanding.
                                            Examined and Compared with the Original Act, REVERDY GHISELIN,
                                                                                                                                    THOMAS BACON.
    N.B.  Several Abuses and Frauds having been committed under the Sanction of this Clause;
Oaths are directed to be taken, and farther Regulations made, by the Acts of 1720, ch. 26; and
1731, ch. 18, which see.

Passed 3d
June 1715.
An ACT causing Grand and Petit Jurors and Witnesses to come
    to the Provincial and County Courts; and ascertaining their
    Allowances.  Lib. LL. Nº 4. fol. 203.
Sheriffs to
send 2 Grand
and 3 Petit
Jurors out of
each County
to the Provincial
giving them
20 Days Notice.
Be it Enacted, by the King's most excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice
and Consent of his Majesty's Governor, Council, and Assembly of this Province,
and the Authority of the same,
That after the Publication hereof,
the several and respective Sheriffs of the several and respective Counties within
this Province, shall cause to come before the Justices of the Provincial
Court, Two Men of the best and most understanding Freeholders of each
respective County, to serve as Grand Jurors, and Three such like good and
lawful Men of each respective County to serve as Petit Jurors at every Provincial 
Court, and the said Sheriff shall return Pannels accordingly; and

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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 237   View pdf image (33K)
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