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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 238   View pdf image (33K)
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JOHN HART, Esq; Governor.
Twenty Days Notice shall be given by the Sheriffs to the jurors, before the
Day of their Appearance; and such Sheriff or Sheriffs as shall make Default,
shall be fined by the Justices of the Provincial Court, One Thousand Pounds
of Tobacco, to his Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, for the Support of the
Government of this Province.

    II.   And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, by and with the
Advice and Consent aforesaid, That the several Sheriffs of the several and respective
Counties aforesaid, shall cause to come before the Justices of the several 
and respective County Courts, a competent and sufficient Number of
good and lawful Men, of the best and most understanding Free-holders of
their several and respective Counties, to serve a Jurors of the several and respective
County Courts; and the several Sheriffs shall return Pannels accordingly,
and give Notice to such Free-holders Ten Days before the Day of
their Appearance at the said County Courts; and such Sheriff or Sheriffs as
shall make Default, shall be fined by the Justices  of the County Courts, Five
Hundred Pounds of Tobacco, to his majesty, his Heirs and Successors, for
the Support of the Government of this Province.

    III.   And be it further Enacted, That every Person or Persons, Free-holders,
returned by the several Sheriffs too serve as Jurors at the provincial
Courts, and having such Notice of the Day, of his or their Appearance as
aforesaid, and shall not appear at the Day, but make Default, shall be fined
by the Justices of the Provincial Court, One Thousand Pounds of Tobacco;
and every Person or Persons, Free-holders, returned by the several;
Sheriffs of the several County Courts, to serve as Jurors at the said County
Courts, and having such Notice of the Day of his or their Appearance as aforesaid, 
and shall not make his or their Appearance at the Day, but make

Default, shall be fined by the Justices of the County Courts, Five Hundred
Pounds of Tobacco, to his Majesty, his Heirs and Successors; both the said

Fines to be to his Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, for the Support of the
Government of this Province.

    IV.    Provided nevertheless, That all Magistrates, Delegates, Coroners,
Schoolmasters, Overseers of Highways, and Constables, during their Continuance

in their respective Stations or Business, shall be exempt from any
Attendance as Jurors.

    V.    And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, by and with the
Advice and Consent aforesaid,
That every Person that shall be duly served with
Process to appear at the Provincial Court as a Witness to testify in any Matter
or Thing there depending, and shall not keep his Day of Appearance, but
make Default, shall be fined by the Justices of the Provincial Court, One
Thousand Pounds of Tobacco.  And every Person that shall be duly served
with Process to appear in any of the County Courts of this Province, as a
Witness to testify in any Matter or Thing there depending, and shall not
keep his Day of Appearance, but shall make Default, shall be fined by the
Justices of the County Court where such Default shall happen, the Sum of
Five Hundred Pounds of Tobacco; both which Fines shall be to his Majesty,
his Heirs and Successors, for the Support of the Government of this Province.
And the Persons that shall be summoned as Evidences, and shall make

Default as aforesaid, shall not only be liable to the Fines aforesaid, but shall
also be liable to answer the Party for whom he shall be summoned, in an Action

upon the Case, for the Damages sustained for want of his Appearance to
testify, according to such Summons; and shall be held to Special Bail on such
Action, and shall be liable to a Conviction thereon, for all Damages that shall
be sustained by such Party, for want of such Evidence; and shall also be liable
on such Default, at the Request of the party for whom such Evidence
shall have been summoned, to have his, her, or their Body or Bodies attached



Penalty on Default.

Sheriffs to
summon Jurors
to serve
at each County
giving them
10 Days Notice.

Penalty on

Persons summoned
to the
Court, making

shall be fined
1000 lb  Tobacco;

in the County
Court 500
lb Tobacco.

Who shall be
from serving
on Juries.

and not appearing,
be fined, in
the Provincial
Court 1000
lb Tobacco,

in the County
Court, 500 lb

and also be
liable to Suit 
for Damages
sustained for

Want of their
Evidence, and held to
Special Bail.
May have
their Bodies
attached to
oblige their
E e

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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 238   View pdf image (33K)
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