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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 236   View pdf image (33K)
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JOHN HART, Esq; Governor.
the Naval Officer aforesaid, where they make their Entry, the Sum of Three
Pence pre Gallon for every Gallon of Rum, Brandy, Spirits or Wine, so imported
into this Province as aforesaid, to be applied to the Uses aforesaid, Liquors
from Great-Britain always excepted.

    X.    And be it further Enacted, by the Authority, Advice and Consent aforesaid,
That no Rum, Brandy Spirits or Wine, upon which the Duties aforesaid
are assessed, shall be landed or put on Shore out of any Ship or Vessel,
which shall import the same, or any other, without due Entry thereof with

the Officer thereby appointed, (upon Oath of the said Person or persons importing
any of the aforesaid Liquors,) for collecting the same, in the Port or
Place where such Liquors shall happen to be imported as aforesaid, or before 
the Duty due and payable for the same, be satisfied, or secured to be satisfied,
and a Warrant for the Landing thereof be signed by the Officer for the Purpose
appointed, upon Pain and Peril that all such Liquors landed and put on
Shore, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act, shall be forfeited
and lost, or the full Value thereof; one Half to be appropriated towards the
defraying the Public Charge of this Province, to be recovered as aforesaid.

    XI.    And for the better Encouragement of all Masters, Merchants, Owners,
and other Persons whatsoever, to make due Entries and payment of
the Duties, Rates and Impositions raised by this Act, in Consideration of
Leakage and other Damage, the Officer is hereby authorised and impowered
to make Allowance and Abatement of Twenty Gallons in every Hundred
Gallons, of all such Liquors so to be duly entered as aforesaid.

    XII.    And the Officers are hereby appointed for collecting and gathering the
Duties aforesaid, shall and are hereby impowered, upon any Suspicion of Fraud
or Deceit by any Importer, Owner, or Proprietor, of any such Liquors, in
concealing, and not making due Entry of the same, to go and enter on board
any Ship or Vessel, or into any House or Ware-house, or elsewhere, and from
thence to seize, bring on Shore, or secure, all such Liquors for which the
Duties aforesaid are not duly paid, or secured to be paid as aforesaid, that the
said Officers and their Deputies, or any of them, may freely stay and remain

on board, until the Goods are delivered and discharged out of the said SHip
or Vessel. And al Officers, as well Military as Civil, of this Province, and
Masters and Officers of Ships, are hereby required and enjoined to be aiding
and assisting to such Naval Officers in discharging their Duty aforesaid; for
all which the said Officers and others assisting them, shall be saved and kept
harmless by virtue of this Act.

    XIII.    And be it further Enacted, by the Authority and Consent aforesaid,
That all such Naval Officers shall give good Security to the Governor
of this Province, for the Time being, and shall take the several Oaths, Well
and faithfully to gather the Impost so arising by virtue of this Act, or any Clause
herein contained, and a just and faithful Account thereof Twice a Year, shall give
and render to the Public Treasurers of this province, for the Time being, authorised
for receiving the said Impost,
for which the said Treasurer shall have for

their Salary Five per Cent, and no more, who are to give Bond for the same,
to be accountable, and render a Account to the Assembly that shall then
next meet, to be by them disposed of towards the defraying of the Public
Charge of this Province.

    XIV.    And be it further Enacted, by the Authority, Advice and Consent aforesaid,
That every Master of a Ship or other Vessel, at the Time od his Entry 
of such Ship or Vessel, wherein such Liquors shall be imported as aforesaid,
shall render upon Oath, an Account of the Quantity and Quality of

except from 

Such Liquors
landed before
Entry, or
Duty paid, to
be forefeited,
or their Value.

Importers to
be allowed 20
per Cent for 

Officers, on
may enter any
Ships, Houses,
and seize, &c.
all such liquors
which Duty
is not paid or
All Officers,
Civil and Military,

Naval Officers
to give
Security, &c.
and render
Account half
Yearly to the
The Treasurers
to have
5 l. per Cent
Salary, and
give Bond to
be accountable
to the


Masters of
Ships to swear
to the Quantity,

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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 236   View pdf image (33K)
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