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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 235   View pdf image (33K)
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After Entry,
and Duty
paid, the
Naval Officer
shall give a
But such Liquors
by Sea,
&c. shall pay
only 3 d. per

Such Duty,
how to be accounted

The Naval

A Duty of 20 
Shillings per
Poll laid on
Irish Servants.

Penalty for

A Duty of
20 s. Sterling 
per Poll laid
on all Negroes

Penalty for

3 d. per Gallon
to be paid
for all Rum,
&c. imported
by Water,
    IV.  And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That when the
Importer or Importers aforesaid, have made fair Entries as aforesaid, and paid
the Duty as aforesaid, that then the Naval officer shall give the said Importer
a permit to carry the same to any River, Creek or Harbour, or Port of
Place, of this Province, to make Sale of the same.

    V.   Provided always, That if any Person or Persons shall import any
Liquors aforesaid, from Pensylvania aforesaid, in Sloops or other Vessels by
Sea, through the Capes of Chesapeak Bay into this province, that then such
Importer or Importers shall only pay the Duty of Three-pence per Gallon, as
others do.

    VI.  And be it further Enacted, by the Authority, Advice and Consent aforesaid,
That the Naval Officer aforesaid, for the said Duty of Nine-pence per
Gallon aforesaid, shall account with the Public Treasurer of the Eastern
Shore:  And the Public Treasurer of the Eastern Shore shall account to the 
General Assembly of this Province, as is herein after mentioned:  Which said
Naval Officer shall make Oath before his Excellency the Governor, or whom
the Governor shall impower to administer such Oath, that the said Naval Officer
shall use his utmost Power and Diligence to cause this Act effectually to
be put in Execution; and a Certificate of such Oath taken, shall be entered
upon the Council Book.

    VII.  And to prevent too great a Number of Irish Papists being imported
into this Province;  Be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, by and
with the Advice and Consent aforesaid, That all Masters of Ships and Vessels, or
others, importing Irish Servants into this Province, by Land or by Water, at
the Time of their Entry shall pay unto the Naval Officer, for the Time being,
belonging to such Port or Place where they make their Entry, the Sum
of * Twenty Shillings Sterling per Poll, towards the defraying the Public
Charge of this province, for every Irish Servant so importer, on Penalty and
Forfeiture of Five Pounds Sterling per Poll, for every Servant so concealed at
the Time of his Entry aforesaid, the one Half thereof to be appropriated to
the uses aforesaid, the other Half to the Informer, or him or them that shall
sue for the same; to be recovered in Form aforesaid.
    * By the Act of 1732, ch. 23, this Clause, so far as it imposes any Duty on Irish Protestant
Servants imported, is repealed; and it is thereby Enacted, That no Duty shall be paid for the
Importation of any Protestants from Ireland or elsewhere.  And by the Act of 1717, ch. 10, an
additional Duty of 20 Shillings Currency per Poll is laid on all Irish Servants, being papists,
imported to be applied to the Support of Public Schools; under a Penalty of 5 l. Currency for
each such Servant concealed; and a Method prescribed (by tendering them the Oaths) for better
Discovery of such Irish Papists.

    VIII. Be it further Enacted, by the Authority, Advice and Consent aforesaid,
That for every Negro imported into this Province, either by Land or 
Water, the Importer or Importers of such Negro or Negroes shall pay unto
the said Naval Officer aforesaid, the Sum of † Twenty Shillings Sterling per
Poll, for the Uses aforesaid, on Penalty and Forfeiture of Five Pounds Sterling
per Poll for every Negro kept back, or unaccounted for; to be applied
to the Uses aforesaid, and to be recovered as aforesaid.
    † By 1717, ch. 10, an additional Duty of 20 Shillings Currency per Poll is laid on all Negroes
imported, to be applied to the Support of Public Schools, under the Penalty of 5 l. Currency for
each Negro concealed, &c.  By 1721, ch. 9, the Inhabitants of this Province may remove
their own Slaves from neighbouring Colonies; or Persons coming here to settle, amy import their
domestic Slaves, without paying any Duty.  And by 1735, ch. 6, no Duty is payable for Negroes
or Servants who shall die, or be exported within Three Months.

    IX.    And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, by and with the
Advice and Consent aforesaid,
That from and after the Publication hereof, all
Masters of Ships or Vessels, or all other Persons that shall, by Water, import
any Rum, Brandy, Spirits or Wine into this Province, shall pay unto


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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
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