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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 204   View pdf image (33K)
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of the other, and William Freeman, Bricklayer, of Philadelphia in Pensylvania,
of the other part, concerning a Lot of Land in the said Town, and building
an House thereon, to the Use of the said Anthony Workman, during his natural
Life, and after his Decease to the Use of the Free-School of the said
Town for ever, bearing Date the Eighth Day of June One Thousand Six
Hundred Ninety and Six, and ordered to be recorded in the Journal of the
Governor and Council, and of the House of Delegates of that General Assembly, 
should be of absolute and full Force and available in law, to the
uses therein expressed, according to the true Intent and Meaning thereof, any
defect inForm, or want of Form in the same, notwithstanding.,  But forasmuch
as the said Deed, Obligations, Writings and Evidences, upon Search,
are not found to be recorded in either of the said Journals, they being defaced
and torn, or can otherwise be discovered of found; the present Rector,
Governors and Visitors of Free-Schools have prayed that in order to confirm
the said Lot, House and Tenements, to them and their Successors for ever,
to the Use aforesaid, it might be Enacted;

    II.  And be it Enacted, by the King's most excellent Majesty, by and with the
Advice and Consent of his Majesty's Governor, Council, and Assembly of this Province,
and the Authority of the same,
That the aforesaid Lot and Houses, or
Tenements thereon erected, shall in all Times to come, be deemed, reputed
and taken, to be and remain, and be invested and remain in the aforesaid
Rector, Governors and Visitors of the Free-Schools, and their Successors, as
in an indefeasible Estate in Fee-simple, for ever, to the use of the Free-School
in the City of Annapolis, and to no other Use, Intent or Purpose
whatsoever; the want of the said Articles, Writings, or Evidences, or any
other Grant or Conveyance of the aforesaid Lot, from the said Francis Nicholson,
Esq; notwithstanding.

    III.  And inasmuch as the said Rector, Governors and Visitors lie under
great Difficulties in procuring a Meeting of a competent Number of the said
Governors and Visitors, as by the present Law for the Free-Schools, is directed
to meet and consult, and make Orders, for the better Management of
the said Schools, the Appurtenances and Incidents thereto; Be it therefore
by the Authority, Advice and Consent aforesaid, That it shall and may
be lawful for the said Rector, and any Number of the said Governors and Visitors,
not less than Five, on any special Occasion so requiring, to meet together,
consult, direct, and manage the Affairs of the said Schools, and execute
the several Powers and Authorities in the aforesaid Act prescribed, without
being under the Necessity of having the majority of the Members of the 
Corporation present at such Meetings:  And that such Orders, Rules and Directions, 
as shall by the Rector and such Number of the Visitors aforesaid,
nor less than Five as aforesaid, made and given, shall be of as good Efficacy
and Force as if they were made and given by the Majority of the Members
of that Corporation; any Law, Statute, Usage, or Custom to the contrary
                                Examined and Compared with the Original Act, REVERDY GHISELIN,
                                                                                                                                  THOMAS BACON.



The Lot, and
Houses thereon, 

to the Rector,
&c. to the
use of the
in Annapolis
for ever.

The Rector,
and any
Number of
and Visitors,
not less than
Five, impowered
execute the
Powers and
given by the
Act of 1696,
ch. 17.
An Act to supply certain Defects in the conveying of Lands from Matthew Beard
    to Stephen Wright; and from Stephen Wright to Samuel Chambers, of
    Ann-Arundel County, GentLib. LL. N° 4. fol. 123.  PR.
Passed 3d
June 1715.
An Act to supply an Omission in the Writing the Last Will and Testament of Raphael 
    Haywood, late of St. Mary's County, Gent. deceased, and for settling
    an Estate of Inheritance in Fee-simple, on
Robert Scott, Clerk and Charles
    Neal, Planter; the Executors and Devisees in the said Will named,  Lib. LL. 
    N° 4. fol. 125.  PR.

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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 204   View pdf image (33K)
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