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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 203   View pdf image (33K)
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Majesty to accept hereof, as the first Fruits, in this General Assembly, of
our Loyalty and Faith to your Majesty, and your Royal Progeny for ever.

    May 4th, 1715.  On the Behalf of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE, by the Grace
        of GOD, of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the
        Faith, &c.   I Will this be a Law.
                                                                               JO. HART.
                               Examined and Compared with the Original Act, REVERDY GHISELIN,
                                                                                                                                  THOMAS BACON.

Passed 3d
June 1715.
An Act for Naturalization of Thomas Harvey of Calvert County, and his Children.
    Lib. LL. N° 4. fol. 119.  PR.
An Act repealing an Act, entitled, * An Act for uniting Newport Hundred,
    now Part of King and Queen's Parish, to William and Mary Parish, in
    Charles County; and for re-uniting the same to king and Queen Parish, in
    St. Mary's County.  Lib. LL. N° 4. fol. 119.
    * 1706, ch. 7, which appeared to have been obtained by Misrepresentation; and is therefore
        hereby repealed.
Ditto. An ACT for vesting in the Rector, Governors, and Visitors of
    Free-Schools, and their Successors for ever, a certain Lot of
    Land in the City of Annapolis, and an House thereon erected,
    commonly called the Kentish House; and impowering the said
    Rector and Visitors more easily to transact the Business of the
    said Free-Schools. Lib. LL. N° 4. fol. 120.
setting forth

the Benefaction
of Governor

and his Contract
building the

Recital of the
Act of 1696,
ch. 234, confirming
said Contract.
WHEREAS in the Year of our Lord GOD One Thousand Six Hundred
Ninety and Six, the Honourable Francis Nicholson Esq; his then
Majesty's Captain-General, and Governor in Chief in and over
this Province, excited by a laudable Zeal and pious Inclination of promoting
a Free-School within the Town and Port of Annapolis, and being possessed of
three Lots of Land in the said Town, lying to the Foot of the Stadt-House
Hill, on the Eastward thereof, did not only freely give and bestow one of
the said Lots lying to the Southwest Side of the said Lots, but also the Sum
of Ten Pounds Sterling for and towards an House to be built thereon, but
did also prevail with a certain Anthony, alias William Workman, formerly of
Kent-Island, but then of Annapolis, Inn-holder, to advance, give and bestow
One Hundred and Fifty Pounds Sterling more, for and towards the Building
of the said House or Tenement on the aforesaid Lot:  And together with the
said Workman, and a certain William Freeman, of Philadelphia, Bricklayer, entered
into Articles for the Building and Erecting the said House to be held
and enjoyed by the said Workman, during his natural Life, and afterwards to
remain over to the Use of the Free-Schools.  In pursuance whereof the said
House was erected on the Lot aforesaid, and the said Anthony, alias William
In Consideration of his Money so advanced, by Ordinance of the
General Assembly had Liberty and Licence granted to him to keep an Ordinary
in the said House, during his natural Life, free and discharged from the
Payment of the Fine then imposed by Law therefore.  And the further to
corroborate and assure the said Lot and House to the Rector, Governors and
Visitors and their Successors for ever, to the use aforesaid, by an Act of Assembly
made at the said Town and Port of Annapolis, in Ann-Arundel County,
in the Month of July, in the Year aforesaid, entitled, An Act for keeping
good Rules and orders in the Port of
Annapolis, it was, among other Things,
therein Enacted, by the Authority of the said Assembly, That all those Deeds,
Obligations, Writings and Evidences, made by and between his Excellency
Francis Nicholson, Esq; Captain General and Governor of this Province, on
the one Part, and Anthony Workman, of Kent-Island, in the County of Talbot

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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 203   View pdf image (33K)
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