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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 205   View pdf image (33K)
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Passed 3d
June 1715.
An ACT ascertaining what Damages shall be allowed upon Protested
    Bills of Exchange.  Lib. LL. N° 4. fol. 127.
No more than
20 per Cent
with Costs,
to be allowed
on any Protested
Bill of

Bills Protested
and returned
the Province
within Four
Years after
the Date, to
be of equal
Nature with
Specialties, &c.

Bills returned
within 18
Months, to
be allowed 15
per Cent.

BE it Enacted, by the King's most excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice
and Consent of his Majesty's Governor, Council, and ASsembly of this Province,
and the Authority of the same, That there shall not be allowed
to any Person or Persons whatsoever, having just Cause to impleads any Person
or Persons whatsoever, living or residing within this Province, upon any
Bill or Exchange drawn for any Sum or Sums of Money whatsoever, payable
in England, or elsewhere, and brought in here Protested, more than the Sum
of Twenty Pounds per Cent Damages, over and above the Debt sued for
and recovered, together with ordinary Costs of Suit; any Law, Statute, Usage
or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding.

    II.  And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any person
or persons, draw any Bill of Exchange upon any Person or Persons, or Society
or Company, in England, or elsewhere, out of this province, and the same
be Protested, and the Protested Bills be returned into this Province within
Four Years after the Date of such Bills, that then the Debt or Damage occasioned
by the Non-Acceptance or Non-Payment of such Bills, shall be accounted
a Debt of equal Nature with any Specialty; and in Payment of Debts by
Executors and Administrators be preferred before any other Debt which is not
under Hand and Seal; such Executor or ADministrator having timely Notice
of such Protested Bills of Exchange; any Usage or Custom to the contrary

    III.   Provided nevertheless, That in case any Bill of Exchange, to be
drawn after the End of this present Session of Assembly, shall be returned into
this Province Protested, within Eighteen Months from the Date of such
Bill, there shall not be allowed above Fifteen per Cent, for the Damages
thereon, besides the Costs as aforesaid; any thing before contained to the contrary

    IV.  Provided That this Clause, relating to Fifteen per Cent, on Bills of
Exchange returned Protested in Eighteen Months, shall not be in Force till
the End of One whole Year after the End of this Session of Assembly.
                                        Examined and Compared with the Original Act, REVERDY GHISELIN
                                                                                                                                THOMAS BACON.


Passed 3d
June 1715.
An Act to confirm and make valid in Law, all Manner of Process and Proceedings
    in the several Courts of this Province, from the Demise of her late Majesty

    Queen Anne, of pious Memory, to the End of this present Session of Assembly.
LL. N° 4. fol. 128.
Ditto. An Act declaring the Continuance of the * Payment of the Twelve pence per
    Hogshead, from the Death of the late Right Honourable
Charles Lord Baltimore,
    until the Twenty-ninth Day of September next.  Lib. LL. N° 4. fol.
    * Which had been settled on, and accepted by his Lordship, during his natural Life, in Consideration
of his receiving Tobacco at 2 d. per lb in lieu of his Quit-Rents and Fines for Alienations.
Several Sums being received by his late Lordship's Officers, as by virtue of the old Act, before
Notice of the Determination thereof by his said Lordship's Decease; the present Act continues
the said Duty till Michaelmas ensuing, to be paid to the Treasurers of the Province for the Use
of the Lord Benedict Leonard, the present Proprietary, in case he should favourably accept the
same, on the same Conditions as his noble Father had 'til that Time:  or in Case of his Refusal,
then the said Duty, together with what had been already collected, to be applied towards defraying

the Public Charge of the Province.

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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 205   View pdf image (33K)
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