1715. |
At a Sesion of ASsembly, begun and held at the
City of Annapolis, in the County of Ann-Arundel,
the 26th Day of April, and ended the 3d
Day of
June, in the First year of the Reign of
our Sovereign
Lord kin GEORGE, of Great-Britain, France
and Ireland, Defender of the Faith,
Domini 1715, were enacted the Laws following. |
JOHN HART, Esq; Governor.
A most joyful and just RECOGNITION of the immediate, lawful,
and undoubted Succession and Right of the Crown
of Great-Britain,
and of the Kingdoms and Dominions thereunto
Lib. LL. N° 4. fol. 117. |
Passed 4th
May 1715. |
To the King's Most Excellent Majesty.
WE, Your Majesty's most humble and loyal Subjects of this your
Province of Maryland, your Majesty's Governor and Council, and
the Delegates of the several Counties, and Citizens, in this present
General Assembly now convened; acknowledging, with a most thankful
and joyful Sense, the inestimable Blessings Almighty GOD hath vouchsafed
to your Majesty's Kingdom of Great-Britain; and the Dominions
belonging, in so happily preserving your most sacred Person, and peaceably
Seating you on the Throne of your Royal Ancestors; and not only so,
but in
blessing your Majesty with a most Royal Progeny, of most excellent
and rare
Gifts and Virtues; especially the Thrice Noble and Illustrious George,
of Wales, your Highness's most Noble Son, and his Children,
so rare and invaluable
a Blessing to us, and all your Majesty's Subjects, Do, from the Bottom
of our Hearts, yield the Divine Majesty all humble Thanks and Praises
for the said inestimable Benefits and Blessings: And do beseech
your most excellent
Majesty, That, it may be Published and
Declared, by your Majesty's
Governor, Council, and Assembly of this Province, and Enacted
by the Authority
of the same, That we, being bounden thereto, both by the Laws of GOD
and Man, do Recognize and Acknowledge, and hereby Express our unspeakable
Joys, that immediately upon the Dissolution and Decease of our late
Sovereign Lady Queen Anne, of pious Memory, the Imperial Crown of
Realm of Great-Britain, and of all the Kingdoms, Dominions and Rights
belonging to the same, did, by lawful and undoubted Succession in the true
Protestant Line, appertain and if Right belong to your most excellent Majesty;
and that you are, and of Right ought to be, by the Laws of your
Realm of Great-Britain, our most gracious Sovereign Liege Lord GEORGE,
by the Grace of GOD, of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, King,
of the Faith, &c. in and to whose Princely Person and Progeny, your
Successors of the Protestant Line, as by law established, the Royal Estate,
Crown and Dignity of the aforesaid Realms and Dominions, with all Honours,
Stiles, Titles, Regalities, Prerogatives, Powers, Jurisdictions and Authorities
to the same belonging, are most fully, lawfully, and intirely invested
and incorporated, united, and for ever annexed; and thereunto we most humbly
and faithfully do submit, and oblige ourselves, our Heirs and Posterities
for ever, until the last Drop of our Blood be spent: And do beseech
your |