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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 201   View pdf image (33K)
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13  ANNE.

Persons absconding
from Justice
in their own
County, &c.

to the Directions of the Act of Assembly * For taking Special Bail in the
nor shall such Defendant be obliged to appear in proper person, but
by his Attorney, if he sees fit; any thing in the said Act, or any Law, Statute,
Use, or Custom, to the contrary notwithstanding,
    * The Act of 1704, ch. 52, referred to in this Section, is repealed, and the whole re-enacted
        1715, ch. 28.

    VIII.  Provided always, That this Act, or any Thing therein contained,
shall not extend to the Benefit or Advantage of any persons that shall abscond
or fly from Justice in the County where they live; but that such Persons
may be Arrested in any County where ever they be to be found.

    IX.  This Act to † endure, from and after this Session of Assembly, for
and during the End of Three Years, and to the End of the next Session of
Assembly after the Three Years.
                                            Examined and Compared with the Original Act, REVERDY GHISELIN,
                                                                                                                                    THOMAS BACON.
    † Farther continued by 1718, ch. 2; 1721, ch. 2; 1723, ch. 4; 1724, ch. 4; 1731, ch. 12;
1735, ch. 19; and expired in 1740.  It was again revived by 1742, ch. 3, for 3 Years, &c. and
continued by 1746, ch. 4; 1750, ch. 3; 1753, ch. 8; 1757, ch. 3; 1760, ch. 12; and 1763,
ch. 4; for 3 Years, &c.


Passed 3d
July 1714.
An Act reviving a certain Act of Assembly of this Province, entitled, || An Act
    for Limitation of Officers Fees; and for supplying some Defects therein:  And
    also reviving another Act of Assembly of this Province, entitled,
An Act
    explaining some doubtful Expressions in the Act for Limitation of Officers Fees.
LL. N° 4. fol. 110.  EXP.
|| 1704, ch. 86.         ‡ 1707, ch. 11, hereby continued 3 Years.

At a Session of ASSEMBLY begun and held at the
    City of Annapolis, in the County of Ann-Arundel, the
    5th Day of October, in the 13th Year of the Reign
    of our Sovereign Lady ANNE, Queen of Great-Britain,
and Ireland, Defender of the Faith,
    &c.  Annoq; Domini 1714, was Enacted the Law
JOHN HART, Esq; Governor.

Passed 5th
October 1714.
An Act for assessing the Public Charge of this Province, and appointing a Committee
    to apportion the same for this present Year One Thousand Seven Hundred
    and Fourteen.  Lib.
LL. N° 4. fol. 114.

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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 201   View pdf image (33K)
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