1708. |
III. |
N.B. This Act, although
Disallowed by her majesty, is referred to in 1715, ch. 32; and is
therefore abridged as followeth:
(1.) Commissioners are appointed, and impowered
to purchase and lay out the several lands
herein after mentioned for Towns, according to the Rules and Directions
of 1706, ch. 14, viz.
Somerset County,
50 Acres in Senepuxent Neck, on the Land of John Walton.
Queen Anne's County, 50 Acres
at the Mouth of Tuckahoe Creek, on the Land of Colonel
Nicholas Lowe.
Kent County,
50 Acres at Chester Ferry, at or near the Place where the old Court-house
St. Mary's County,
50 Acres at Sheppard's Old Fields, near the Head of Britton's
Bay, on
the Land of philip Lynes, Esq;
Each Town to be laid out and divided into 100 Lots, at the Discretion of
the Commissioners.
(2.) The County Court, for St. Mary's County, to be held and
kept for the future, at the Town
to be Erected in Sheppard's Old Fields as aforesaid, and the Court-house
to be built there. (3.) If
any Persons who have taken up Lots, and made any Improvements thereon,
in any Town in
this Province, and have paid for the same, by virtue of the said Acts of
Trade; such Person so
taking up the same, &c. on erecting and finishing one good house, to
contain 400 square Feet
without Sheds, at or before the last Day of November 1709, shall,
by virtue thereof, have, hold
and enjoy to them, and their Heirs for ever, a good Estate of Inheritance,
in Fee-simple, of, in
and to the said Lots so built, or to be built upon as aforesaid, with all
Rights and Privileges
thereto belonging, in as ample Manner, &c. as if the said Lots had
been built upon within the
Time appointed by the Acts of 1706, ch. 14, and 1707, ch. 16,
or any Act, &c. (4.) The
Commissioners by this Law appointed for St. Mary's County, to lay
out a Town therein, are
impowered to expose to Sale the Public Buildings, and Lands thereto belonging,
in the Town of
St. Mary's, and to render an account of the Produce to the next
Session of Assembly, to be appropriated
to the Use of the Public.
Passed 17th
Dec. 1708. |
An ACT for settling the Rates of foreign Silver Coins, within
this Province. Lib. LL. N° 3. fol.
Preamble, reciting
Queen's Proclamation
18th June,
and the English
Statute of
6 Anne.
From the 1st
May 1709,
the following
Species of
Silver Coins
to pass current
in this
Province at
the Rates
mentioned in
the Table. |
WHEREAS her Majesty, having had under Consideration the different
Rates at which several Species of foreign Coins do pass in
her several Plantations, and the Inconveniences thereof, by the
indirect Practice of Drawing the Money from one Plantation to another,
issue her Royal Proclamation, bearing Date the Eighteenth Day of June
1704, for settling and ascertaining the current Rate of foreign Coins in
said Plantations, at Rates therein limited: And it being observed,
that the
said Proclamation did not procure the desired Effect, it was, in the Sixth
Year of her present Majesty's Reign, by the Parliament of England enacted,
in an Act, entitled, An Act for ascertaining the Rates of Foreign Coins
in her
Majesty's Plantations in America, That no Person, after the First Day
of May,
which shall be in the Year of our Lord 1709, account, receive or pay, any
the several Species of foreign Silver Coin mentioned in the said Proclamation,
at any greater Rate than at which the same is thereby settled, without
subject to the Pains and Penalties therein mentioned, by which it is conceived,
that her gracious Majesty us desirous to restrain our neighbouring Plantations,
under Proprietors, from taking such Advantages as they have hitherto
practiced against us, under her immediate Commissioner and Government,
restraining them from advancing the Rates of Silver Coin, higher than in
said Proclamation is allowed; and allowing us to come up to the said Rates;
it is humbly prayed that it may be enacted;
II. And be it Enacted,
by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by and with the
Advice and Consent of her Majesty's Governor, Council, and Assembly of
this Province,
and the Authority of the same, That from and after the First Day of
May, which shall be in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred
and Nine, the several Species of foreign Silver Coin, mentioned in the
Proclamation, shall pass and be current in this Province at the Rates therein
mentioned, (That is to say,) a Piece of Eight of Sevill, Pillar
and Mexico,
weighing Seventeen Penny Half Penny Weight, and of Four Shillings and
Six-pence intrinsic Value, shall pass current at Six Shillings; and all
foreign Coin shall pass proportionably thereto, according to their
Weight and
Fineness (as by the Table hereunto added is set forth) for the Discharge
of |