JOHN SEYMOUR, Esq; Governor.
1707. |
IV. And be it
further Enacted, by the Authority, Advice, and Consent
That if any Surveyor whatsoever, already appointed and commissionated,
or hereafter to be appointed and commissionated by the said Lord Proprietary,
his Agents, or any other Person, who may be by his said Lordship impowered
so to do, shall, after the End of this present Session of Assembly,
by virtue of any Warrant from his Lordship's Land-Office, or otherwise,
to measure or survey any Lands, for, or belonging to any Person whatsoever,
before such Surveyor or Surveyors shall first duly qualify him or themselves,
by taking the Oaths appointed by Act of Parliament, for their Fidelity
to the Crown of England, and maintaining the Succession thereto,
as by
Law established, and also an Oath for the faithful Execution of his
or their
Offices, to be administered to them in the respective County Courts
they shall officiate, or by some one Justice of the Provincial Court,
such Surveyor
or Surveyors shall forfeit One Hundred Pounds Sterling to her Majesty;
the one Half whereof for the Support of Government, the other Half
to such Person who shall inform, or sue for the same, to be recovered
in any
Court of Record within this Province, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint,
Information, wherein no Essoin, Protection or Wager of Law, to be allowed.
V. This Act to endure for, and until her most
sacred Majesty's Pleasure
shall farther be declared in Council thereon, where the Lord Baltimore
be heard.
Examined and Compared with the Original Act, REVERDY GHISELIN,
His Lordship's
survey Lands
before taking
the Oaths to
the Government,
and an
Oath of Office,
100 l. Sterling.
Duration of
this Act. |
An Act to impower certain persons, therein named, to assess and
apportion the
Public Levy of this Province for this present
Year of our Lord One Thousand
Seven Hundred and Seven. Lib. LL. N°
3. fol. 333. OBS. |
Passed 15th
April 1707. |
At a Session of ASSEMBLY, begun and held at the
City of Annapolis, in the County of Ann-Arundel,
29th Day of November, and ended the 17th
Day of
December, in the 7th Year of the Reign
of our Sovereign
Lady Queen ANNE, of Great-Britain, France
and Ireland, and the Dominions and Territories
belonging, Defender of the Faith, &c.
Domini 1708, were Enacted the Laws following. |
1708. |
JOHN SEYMOUR, Esq; Governor.
An Act for Relief of poor Debtors, and languishing Prisoners.
Lib. LL. N° 3.
fol. 337. EXP. |
Passed 17th
Dec. 1708. |
To endure for 3 Years, &c. but was suspended
1709, ch. 9, and never revived.
An Act impowering Trustees to sell several Parcels of Land, late
the Estate and
Inheritance of Thomas Stirling, deceased;
for Redemption of a Mortgage made
by him to John Hyde, of London, Merchant;
for the Benefit of Christian
Stirling, a Minor. Lib. LL. N°
3. fol. 343. PR. |
Ditto. |
An Additional act to the Supplementary Act for Advancement of Trade,
and Erecting
Ports and Towns in this Province, and for Sale
of some Public Lands
and Building in the Town of St. Mary's, in
St. Mary's County. Lib. LL. N°
3. fol. 347. DISSENT.
Ditto. |