1707. |
Passed 15th
April 1707. |
An Act repealing an Act, entitled * An Act to prohibit the Exportation
of European
Commodities out of this Province. Lib.
LL. N° 3. fol. 300. |
* 1706, ch. 10.
Ditto. |
An Act † continue to the Sheriffs of Talbot, Kent and
Counties, Power
of Execution for Public Dues, and Officers Fees,
within the present Bounds of
their several Counties, after the First of May
next, 'til the last of June next
after, or until their several Commissions expire,
which shall first happen. Lib.
LL. N° 3. fol. 300. EXP.
† On Account of the Division
of these Counties, by the act of 1706, ch. 3, which was to
take place
on the 1st May 1707. |
Ditto. |
An Act to prevent cropping, cutting and defacing Tobacco taken on
board Ships and
Vessels upon Freight. Lib. LL. N°
3. fol.
To continue for 3 Years, and to the
End of the next Session of Assembly. A new Law made
1711, ch. 5. Her
Majesty's Dissent is dated at St. James's the 1st April
|| 1706, ch. 14. |
A Supplementary Act to the || Act for Advancement of Trade,
and Erecting
Ports and Towns. Lib. LL. N° 3. fol.
This being one of the Acts recited
1715, ch. 2, the following Extract from it, relating to the
Acquisition of Property, and the Limits of the several ports, may be thought
proper and expedient.
(1.) Some of the Towns being not laid out in the Time prescribed
by the original Act; and
divers Inhabitants of this Province having petitioned to have the said
Towns Revived, and others
Erected; the several Commissioners in the said Act, nominated (except where
other Commissioners
are by this Act appointed) are impowered to purchase, &c. the several
Lands hereafter mentioned
for Towns, according to the same Rules and Directions as in the said original
Act, viz. |
Charles County,
Benedict-Leonard-Town. REVIVED.
100 Acres of Land on the upper Side of Nanjemye Creek, on Patowmack
River, upon Part of the Land, now or late in Possession of
Martin Campbel, and the Land adjoining thereto. To be ERECTED
into a Town.
Somerset County,
100 Acres of Land at a Place called Half-round-Hill, on the South
of Wiccomoco River. To be ERECTED into a Town.
Pr. George's County
A Town to be Erected on the South Side of Piscattaway Creek, at
near the Head thereof, to contain 40 or 50 Acres, at the Discretion
of the Commissioners.
3 Acres of Land whereon George Harris, Mercht. hath built Dwelling-houses,
and Store-houses, from henceforth to be adjudged Part of
Nottingham-Town, within the said County, whereunto is adjoins;
and to enjoy all Privileges, &c. to the said Town belonging.
Kent County,
The Place for the Town and Port, by the said Act Erected upon Chester
River. To be DESERTED. And in lieu thereof, the said
Port and
Town, with the Court-house of the said County, shall be built
where the Commissioners have purchased Land for the same.
The Place appointed for Shrewsbury Town, on Sassafras River,
by the
said Act. To be also DESERTED. And to be laid out where
Commissioners have purchased Land for the same.
Cæcil County,
The Place by the said Act appointed for a Town in Price's-Neck in
River, where the Court-house of the said County shall be built, &c.
And also 50 Acres more, to be laid out for a Town, on the Plantation
formerly belonging to Isaac Calk, near the Head of Sassafras
Queen-Anne's County, The Place appointed
for a Town on the land of Robert Smith, Esq;
To be DESERTED. And, in lieu thereof, 100 Acres on Major John
Hawkins's Plantation in Coursey's Creek, and the Lands adjoining,
To be ERECTED into a Town; and the Court-house to be built
100 Acres, at the Plantation of Mr. William Swettenham, in Courseval
Creek, in Chester River. To be ERECTED into
a Town.
Dorchester County,
100 Acres to be Erected a nd laid out for a Town, on a Point called
Philips's-Point, on the North Side of Fishing-Creek, in Hunger
And the Town called Little Yarmouth, in Transquakin River.
To be
* Baltimore County,
The Place appointed for a Town, on Gunpowder River, on the Land
called Forster's-Neck. To be DESERTED. And in lieu thereof,
Acres to be erected into a Town in a Tract of Land on the same
River, belonging to Anne Felks, and called Taylor's Choice,
and the
Court-house to be built there.
* See this Situation of the Court-house, and the
County Property therein confirmed, 1712, ch. 19. |