JOHN SEYMOUR, Esq; Governor.
1707. |
permit, suffer or connive at carrying the same out of their Houses,
or Possession, in order to be Rolled or Carted over Land into the Province
Pensylvania, or Territories thereunto belonging, before such person,
to carry away the same, produce unto such Planter, Factor or Merchant,
the Property or Disposal thereof, an authentic Certificate under the Hand
and Seal of the Officer or Officers of the District, importing the Place
the Tobacco lies, and of whom the same was bought, and that all the Duties
payable, upon the Exportation of Tobacco out of one Plantation into another,
are answered unto such Officer or Officers; such Person so permitting,
suffering or conniving at the Carting or Rolling such Tobacco, and the
Purchaser, Person Rolling or Carting, and their Assisters and Abettors,
or any of them, shall, for every Hogshead, or for every Four Hundred Pounds
of Tobacco so carried, or designed to be carried as aforesaid, and pro
for a greater or lesser Quantity, forfeit the Sum of Ten Pounds Sterling;
Half thereof to him, her, or those that shall inform or sue for the same,
other half to her Majesty, for Support of Government; to be recovered in
any of the Courts of Record within this Province, having Jurisdiction of
Sum forfeited, by Bill, Plaint, Action of Debt, or Information, wherein
Essoin, Protection, or Wager of Law, to be allowed.
Examined and Compared with the Original Act, REVERDY GHISELIN,
Persons transporting,
Tobacco by
Land into
before Duty
paid, &c. forfeit
10 l.
Sterling per
Hogshead. |
An Act for suspending, during the Queen's Pleasure, the Prosecution
of the Priests
of the Romish Communion, incurring the Penalties
of the * act to prevent the
Growth of Popery in this Province, by exercising their
Function in a private
Family of the Roman Communion, but in
no other Case whatsoever. Lib. LL.
N° 3. fol. 284. OBS. |
Passed 15th
April 1707. |
* 1704, ch. 59, which is REP. 1718,
ch. 4.
An Act confirming the Last Will and Testament of Thomas Knighton,
late of
Ann-Arundel County, deceased. Lib. LL.
N° 3 fol. 287. PR.
Ditto. |
An Act for removing of Thomas Howel, now lying under Execution
for Debt,
in the Custody of the Sheriff of Cæcil
County, into the Custody of the Sheriff of
Kent County. Lib. LL. N° 3.
fol. 288. PR..
Occasioned by the late Division of
those Counties, whereby this Howel became an Inhabitant
of Kent County.
Ditto. |
An Act for recording in the Commissary-General's Office, several
Copies of Wills,
and Inventories, and other Proceedings of the late Deputy-Commissary
of Dorchester
County. Lib. LL. N° 3. fol. 291.
N.B. Humphrey Hubbard,
Deputy-Commissary, having taken the Probat of several Wills,
Inventories of Estates, and Accounts of Executors and Administrators, which
he (carrying over
the Bay to the Commissary-General's Office) lost, by the accidental Burning
of his Boat, and
Papers therein. But having Copies of the same, which he affirmed
by Oath to be true, they are
by this Act to be Recorded, and taken and reputed as the Originals, &c.
Ditto. |
An Act for Naturalization of John Francis Holland, of Baltimore
County. Lib.
LL. N° 3. fol. 293. PR.
Ditto. |
An Act explaining some doubtful Expressions in the Act for Limitation
of Officers
Fees. Lib. LL. N° 3. fol. 295.
This Act was to endure so long as
the Original Act of 1704, ch. 86, should remain in Force;
and expired, together with the
said Act, the 10th May 1718.
Ditto. |
An Act giving Power to the Farmers of the Lord Baltimore's Rents,
to recover
the Arrears thereof, after Expiration of their
Lease. Lib. LL. N° 3. fol.
296. PR.
The Lease was to Richard Bennett
and James Heath, Esqrs. for 8 Years; which was to expire
the 1st August, 1707. |