JOHN SEYMOUR, Esq; Governor.
1707. |
Ann-Arundel County,
The Town allotted to be laid out at Herring-Creek, to contain 50
Acres, and no more.
The Town and Port of Annapolis, with the Town of West-River,
(which said Town of West-River shall contain but 50 Acres) not
being as yet laid out according to the Directions of the said recited
Act shall be laid out at the places aforesaid, pursuant to those Directions,
by the Time by this Act appointed.
50 Acres at a Place upon Patuxent River called Pig-Point.
into a Town. And also,
50 Acres more upon the North Branch of the said River, opposite to
Q. Anne's Town, in Pr. George's County. To be ERECTED
into a Town.
Which said Towns and Ports shall be laid out, &c according to the
Discretion of the Commissioners
in this Act, for that Purpose, named, with the same Powers as the former.
(2.) Lots
taken up in the Town and port of Annapolis, since the making of
the said recited Act, shall not
give any Right to such Takers-up; but such Lots, so taken up, shall be
free to be taken up again,
&c. as if the same had never been taken up. (3.) The Town
and Port of Oxford, in
Talbot County, shall, on or before the 1st September next,
be, by the Commissioners appointed in
the original Act, surveyed and laid out according to the former Plat, and
when so laid out, the
Commissioners, according to their Discretion, shall leave out 24 from the
124 Acres therein contained
by the first laying out, and the Lots remaining within the 100 Acres only,
shall be adjudged
the Town and Port of Oxford, although the same do not contain 100
Lots; to the End
that the Lots already taken up and built upon, may not be altered or lessened.
(4.) Any Person
that hath taken, or shall take up, Lots within any Towns laid out by virtue
of the said recited
Act, and building one good House, containing 400 square Feet of Ground,
besides Sheds, on
every lot, on or before the 1st September 1708, shall have, hold
and enjoy, to him and his Heirs
for ever, a good Estate of Inheritance in Fee-simple, of, in, and to the
said Lots so built upon,
with all Rights, &c. as if the same had been built upon within the
Time appointed by the said
recited Act. (5.) If any other Towns, by the said Act appointed
(more than what is expressed
in this Act) have not as yet been laid out accordingly, the Commissioners
of the several Counties
in that Act appointed, shall have the same Power and Authority to purchase,
&c. the several
Pieces of Land appointed for Towns as aforesaid, in as full and ample Manners
as they had by
virtue of the said Act; provided such Towns be laid out by the 1st Day
of September 1707.
(6.) All the Towns, Rivers, Creeks and Coves in Talbot County,
and the Towns, Rivers,
Creeks and Coves in Great Choptank, and Little Choptank, in
Dorchester County, and Kent-Island
in Queen Anne's County, shall be deemed and take to be Members
of the Port of Oxford.
(7.) All the Towns, Rivers, Creeks and Coves in Cæil,
Kent and Queen Anne's County (except
Kent-Island) to be Members of the Port of Chester-Town, in
Chester River. (8.) All the
Towns, Rivers, Creeks and Coves in Somerset County, and the remaining
Part of Dorchester
County, to be Members of the Port of Green-Hill, in Wicocomoco
River. (9.) All the Towns,
on both Sides of Patuxent River, adjoining to, or near the River,
with the Rivers, Creeks
and Coves thereof, to be Members of Port St. George, at Beckwith's
Island, on Patuxent River.
(10.) All the Towns in Baltimore and Ann-Arundel Counties,
with the Rivers, Creeks and Coves
thereto belonging (saving on Patuxent River) to
be Members of the Port of Annapolis. (11.) All
the Towns in Patowmack River, with the Rivers, Creeks and Coves
thereto belonging, to be
Members of the Port of St. Mary's, in Patowmack River.
(12.) All Commanders of Ships or
Vessels, after their Arrival in this Province, shall enter their Ships
with the Naval Officers and
Collectors of the several Districts where they design to ride and unload,
and not with the Officers
of another District. (13.) The several County Surveyors, employed
to lay our and divide any
Town Lands, shall deliver to the Commissioners of the respective Towns,
a fair plat of each
Town, with the Course and Distance, and Quantity of Land
contained in every particular Lot,
Street, Lane and Alley, fairly drawn upon Parchment, to be kept as a Record
for the Bounds of
such Towns. (14.) Persons taking up Lots in any Port or Town
of this province, and having
Right to dispose thereof, if they shall sell or dispose of the same, or
any Part thereof, such Sale
shall be entered in the Town Register, by the Town Clerk, who shall make
Certificate of such
Sale expressing the Consideration, with the Metes and Bounds, from whom
and to whom, which
Certificate being delivered by the Vendee, tot he Clerk of the County-Court,
shall be by him
recorded; ad such Entry, Certificate, and Record thereof
in the County-Court, shall give to
such Vended, his Heirs, &c. a good Estate, according to the Tenor of
such Certificate of Bargain
and Sale, and bar the Vendor, &c. in as full and ample Manner as if
such Bargain and Sale
had been made by Deed Indented, Acknowledged and Recorded, &c.
XVI. |
An Act for Relief of Debtors, and ascertaining the Manner of Tenders
in Tobacco.
Lib. LL. N° 3. fol. 322. EXP.
To continue
for 3 Years. Revived 1710, ch. 15. A new law made 1713, ch.
Passed 15th
April 1707. |
An Act for the Killing of Wolves and Crows. Lib. LL. N°
3. fol. 326. EXP.
To continue
for 3 Years. Revived 1710, ch. 14. A new law made 1713,
ch. 13.
Ditto. |
An Act reviving a certain Act of Assembly of this province, entitled,
An Act
prohibiting the Importation of Bread, Beer, Flour, Wheat,
or other English
or Indian Grain, or Meal, Horses, Mares,
Colts, or Fillies from Pensylvania,
and the Territories thereto belonging; made at a
Session of Assembly begun and
held at the Port of Annapolis, the Fifth Day
of September 1704. Lib. LL
N° 3. fol. 328. EXP.
To continue
3 Years, &c. The original Act of 1704, ch. 43, was repealed
1715, ch. 49;
and 1719, ch. 16. |
Ditto. |