1698. |
An Act impowering the Commissioners of Cæcil County,
to hold a Court this present
Year in April. Lib. LL. N° 2. fol.
165. OBS.
Passed 4th of
April 1698. |
An Act for deciding Differences between Masters and Servants.
Ditto. |
An Act ascertaining the Bounds and Limits of Ann-Arundel and
Baltimore Counties.
Lib. LL. N° 2. fol. 157.
Viz. According
to a Division made by certain Commissioners in pursuance of an Ordinance
Assembly Anno 1696, in manner following: Beginning at three
marked Trees, (viz.) a White
Oak, a Red Oak, and a Chestnut Tree, standing about a Mile and a Quarter
to the Southward
of Bodkin Creek, on the West Side of Chesapeake Bay; the
marked Red Oak on the Right Hand
for Baltimore County, the Chestnut Tree on the Left Hand for Ann-Arundel,
the White Oak in
the Middle: They standing near a Marsh and a Pond, and running thence
West, until it cross
the Road from the Mountains of the Mouth of Magotty River, to Richard
Beard's Mill; Then
continuing Westward, with the said Road to William Hawkin's Path,
to two marked Trees, the
one for Ann-Arundel County, the other for Baltimore County;
thence continuing along the said
Road to John Locket's Path, to two Trees, for the End and Purposes
aforesaid; then leaving the
Road, by a Line drawn West to William Slade's Path, to two marked
Trees as aforesaid; thence
continuing West, between the Draughts of Magotty and Patapsco
Rivers, until it come to a
Mountain of White Stone Rock, still continuing West to a Road going to
Patapsco, to Peter
Bond's to two marked Trees as aforesaid; thence continuing West to
the main Road going to Patapsco
Ferry, to two marked Pines, standing near the Ready Branch, written
at large, on the North Side
of the said Trees, Baltimore County; on the South Side Ann-Arundel
County; from thence, with
a Line drawn W. N. W. to Elk-Ridge Road, to two marked Trees, for
the End and Purposes
aforesaid; thence continuing the same Course of W. N. W. to Patuxent
River, and so up the
said River to the Extent thereof, for the Bounds of Baltimore County.
All that Tract of Land,
lying on the North Side of the said Division Lines, &c. to be in Baltimore
County, and all the
Land, &c. on the South Side thereof to the antient extent of Ann-Arundel
County, to be in
Ann-Arundel County, &c.
N.B. So far of this Act as relates to the South
Side of Patapsco River, being added to Baltimore
County, is REPEALED by the Act of 1726, ch. 1.
Ditto. |
An Act for enabling Elizabeth Norman, Executive of George
Norman, to make
over two Tracts of Land to John Gadesby and his
Heirs for ever. Lib. LL.
N° 2. fol. 164. PR.
Ditto. |
At a Session of ASSEMBLY begun and held at the Port
of Annapolis, on Saturday the 22d Day of
in the 10th Year of the Reign of our Sovereign
Lord WILLIAM the Third, of England, Scotland,
France, and Ireland King, Defender of the
&c. Annoq; Domini 1698, and ended on Saturday
the 12th Day of November following. |
An Act for ascertaining the Bounds of a certain tract of Land to
the use of the
Nantikoke Indians, so long as they shall occupy
and live upon the same. Lib.
LL. N° 2. fol. 166.
N.B. This
act falls under the general Repeal of 1704, ch. 77; and a new act
in the very
same Words (the Enacting Stile excepted) was made 1704, ch. 58;
and by the Act of 1723,
ch. 18, the Bounds ascertained in this Act, (which are the same
verbatim with those described in
the aforesaid Act of 1704, ch. 58,) are confirmed.
Passed 12th
Nov. 1698. |
An Act impowering Trustees to purchase Lands adjoining to the Fountains
of Healing
Waters, called the Cool-Springs. Lib. LL.
N° 2. fol. 168. OBS.
Viz. In
St. Mary's County, for building Houses, &c. for the Entertainment
of such poor impotent
Persons as should repair thither for Cure.
Ditto. |
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