eral laws exist, providing for the creation of corporations
of the same general character, as the corporation pro-
posed to be created; and any act of incorporation, passed
in violation of this section shall be void. And as soon as
practicable after the adoption of this Constitution, it shall
be the duty of the Governor, to appoint three persons
learned In Law, whose duty it shall be, to prepare drafts
of general Laws, providing for the creation of corpora-
tions, in such cases as may be proper, and for all other
cases, where a general Law can be made; and for revis-
ing and amending, so far as may be necessary, or ex-
pedient, the General Laws which may be in existence on
the first day of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven,
providing for the creation of corporations, and for other
purposes; and such drafts of Laws shall by said commis-
sioners be submitted to the General Assembly, at its first
meeting, for its action thereon; and each of said commis-
sioners Shall receive a compensation of five hundred dol-
lars for his services, as such commissioner.
All Charters granted or adopted, in pursuance of this
section, tod all Charters heretofore granted and created,
subject to repeal or modification, may be altered, from
time to time, or be repealed; provided, nothing herein con-
tained shall be construed to extend to Banks, or the in-
corporation thereof.
SEC. 49. The General Assembly shall have power to
regulate, by law, not inconsistent with this Constitution,
all matters which relate to the Judges of Election, time,
place and manner of holding elections in this State, and
of making returns thereof.
SEC. 50. It shall be the duty of the General Assembly
at its first session held after the adoption of this Consti-
tution, te provide by law for the punishment, by fine or
imprisonment, in the penitentiary, or both, in the discre-
tion of the court, of any person who shall bribe, or at-
tempt to bribe, any Executive or Judicial officer of the
State of Maryland, or any member, or officer of the Gen-
eral Assembly of the State of Maryland, or of any municipal
corporation in the State of Maryland, or any executive
officer of such corporation, in order to influence him in
the performance of any of his official duties; and also to
provide by law for the punishment, by fine, or imprison-
ment in the penitentiary, or both, in the discretion of the
court, of any of said officers, or members, who shall de-
mand, or receive any bribe, fee, reward, or testimonial
for the performance of his official duties, or for neglect-