SEC. 40. The General Assembly shall enact no law au-
thorizing private property to be taken for public use,
without just compensation, as agreed upon between the
parties, or awarded by a jury, being first paid or tendered
to the party entitled to such compensation.
SEC. 41. Any citizen of this State, who shall, after the
adoption of this Constitution, either in, or out of this
State, fight a duel with deadly weapons, or send, or ac-
cept a challenge so to do, or who shall act as a second, or
knowingly aid or assist in any manner those offending,
shall ever thereafter, be incapable of holding any office of
profit or trust, under this State, unless relieved from the
disability by an Act of the Legislature.
SEC. 42. The General Assembly shall pass laws neces-
sary for the preservation of the purity of elections.
SEC. 43. The property of the wife shall be protected
from the debts of her husband.
SEC. 44. Laws shall be passed by the General Assem-
bly, to protect from execution, a reasonable amount of
the property of the debtor, not exceeding in value, the
sum of five hundred dollars.
SEC. 45. The General Assembly shall provide a simple
and uniform system of charges in the offices of Clerks of
Courts, and Registers of Wills in the counties of this
State, and the city of Baltimore, and for the collection
thereof, provided, the amount of compensation to any of
the said officers in the various counties, shall not exceed
the sum of three thousand dollars a year, and in the city
of Baltimore thirty-five hundred dollars a year, over and
above office expenses, and compensation to assistants; and
provided further, that such compensation, of Clerks, Reg-
isters, assistants and office expenses shall always be paid
out of the fees, or receipts of the offices, respectively.
SEC. 46. The General Assembly shall have power to re-
ceive from the United States, any grant, or donation of
land, money, or securities for any purpose designated by
the United States, and shall administer, or distribute the
same according to the conditions of the said grant.
SEC. 47. The General Assembly shall make provisions
for all cases of contested elections of any of the officers,
not herein provided for.
SEC. 48. Corporations may be formed under general
laws, but shall not be created by special act, except for
municipal purposes, and except in cases, where no gen-