ing, or failing to perform the same; and also to provide
by law for compelling any person, so bribing, or attempt-
ing to bribe, or so demanding, or receiving a bribe, fee,
reward or testimonial, to testify against any person, or
persons who may have committed any of said offences;
provided, that any person, so compelled to testify, shall
be exempted from trial and punishment for the offence,
of which he may have been guilty; and any person, con-
victed of such offence, shall, as part of the punishment
thereof, be forever disfranchised and disqualified from
holding any office of trust, or profit, in this State.
SEC. 51. The personal .property of residents of this
State, shall be subject to taxation in the county, or city,
where the resident bona fide resides for the greater part
of the year, for which the tax may, or shall be levied, and
not elsewhere, except goods and chattels permanently
located, which shall be taxed in the city or county, where
they are so located.
SEC. 52. The General Assembly shall appropriate no
money out of the Treasury for payment of any private
claim against the State exceeding three hundred dollars,
unless said claim shall have been first presented to the
Comptroller of the Treasury, together with the proofs
upon which the same is founded, and reported upon by
SEC. 53. No person shall be incompetent, as a witness,
on account of race or color, unless hereafter so declared by
Act of the General Assembly.
SEC. 54. No county of this State shall contract any
debt, or obligation, in the construction of any railroad,
canal, or other work of internal improvement, nor give,
or loan its credit to, or in aid of any association, or cor-
poration, unless authorized by an Act of the General
Assembly, which shall be published for two months be-
fore the next election for members of the House of Dele-
gates in the newspapers published in such county, and
shall also be approved by a majority of all the members
elected to each House of the General Assembly at its
next session after said election.
SEC. 55. The General Assembly shall pass no law sus-
pending the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus.
SEC. 56. The General Assembly shall have power to
pass all such laws as may be necessary and proper for
carrying into execution, the powers vested by this Con-
stitution in any department, or office of the Government,
and the duties imposed upon them thereby.