the office of State Pension Commissioner, Legis-
lative Department, 656, 657.
On the question to pass the Engrossed Report
of the Committee on the same Section, same De-
partment, 658, 659.
On the motion by Mr. Ford to adjourn, 659, 660.
On the question to pass the ED grossed Report
of the Committee to which was referred all such
parts of the present Constitution as had not been
referred.to any other Committee, 664, £65.
On motion by Mr. Nicolai to adjourn, 666, 667.
On the motion by Mr. Hall to lay on the table
the order by Mr. Barry to pay F. A. Richardson
and E. Fulton $500 for services rendered as Re-
porters, 674, 675.
On the motion by Mr. Brown to amend the
order by Mr. Nicolai to pay same persons $400
by striking out "four," and inserting "sis,"
676, 677.
On the question to adopt the order by Mr. Nic-
olai, 677, 678.
On the motion by Mr. Archer to amend the
Report of the Committee upon Public Works and
Corporations by striking out the 3d Section, 683,
On the motion by Mr. Barnes to amend same
Report by a substitute for the 3d Section, 688, 689,
On the motion by Mr. Walsh to amend same
Report by a substitute for the 3d Section, 690, 691,
On the motion by Mr. Carter to amend same
Report by an amendment to the amendment by
Mr. Syester to the 2d Section, 691, 692.
On the motion by Mr. Syester to amend the
same Report, 2d Section, 693.
On motion by Mr. Carmichael to amend same
Report, same Section, 694, 695.
On the motion by Mr Merrick to amend same.
Report by striking out the 4th Section, 696, 697.