On the question to pass the Engrossed Report
of the Committee respecting Militia and Military
Affairs, 631.
On the question to pass the Engrossed Report
of the Committee upon Public Works and Corpo-
rations, Article, City of Baltimore, (rejected,)
632, 633.
On the motion by Mr. Merryman, to postpone
the consideration of the Report of the Committee
upon Public Works and Corporations, 633, 634.
On the question to pass the Engrossed Report
of the Committee respecting the Appointment,
Tenure of Office &c., of civil officers, 638, 639.
On the question to pass the Engrossed Report
of the Committee respecting Future Amendments
to the Constitution, 640, 641.
On the motion by Mr. Carter, to amend the Re-
port of the Committee upon Public Works and
Corporations, Article, City of Baltimore, 641,
On the question to pass the Report of the Com-
mittee upon the Department of Labor and Agri-
culture, 647, 648.
On the motion by Mr. Watkins, to open the
Report of the Committee upon the Judiciary De-
partment, to amend Section 24, 649, 650.
On the motion by Mr. Alvey, to open same re-
port, to amend same section, 650, 651.
On the motion by Mr. Bradley to open same
Report to amend Section 44, 652, 653.
On the question to pass the Engrossed Report
of the Committee on the formation of a New
County to be composed of Somerset and Worces-
ter Counties, 654, 655,
On the question to pass the Engrossed Report
of the Committee upon the Judiciary Depart-
ment, 655, 656.
On the motion by Mr. Dent to order to be en-
grossed the Section proposed by him abolishing;