On the motion by Mr. Tarr, of Worcester, to
adjourn, 697, 698.
On the motion by Mr. Page to amend the Re-
port of the Committee on Public Works and Cor-
porations, 4th Section, 699, 700.
On the motion by Mr. Carter to amend the
same report, same Section, 700, 701.
On the motion by Mr. Walsh to amend the
same report, Dame Section, 701, 702.
On the question to pass the Engrossed Report,
as amended, of the Committee on the Article en-
titled "Miscellaneous," 705, 706.
On the question to pass the Engrossed Report
of the Committee upon Public Works, 707, 708.
On the question to adopt the Report of the
Committee on Revision and Compilation in re-
spect to the arrangement of the several Articles,
and on the adoption of the Constitution as so
arranged, 710, 711.