On the motion by Mr. Barnes, to reconsider the
vote by which Section 24, Report on the Judi-
ciary Department, had been ordered to a 2d read-
ing, 610, 611.
On motion of Mr. McKaig, to amend Section
24, same report, 611, 612.
On the question, "Shall the decision of the
Chair stand as the judgment of the Convention?"
that it was not in order to amend Section 24, same
report, 614, 615.
On the question by Mr. Watkins, to amend
Section 24, same report, 615, 616.
On the motion by Mr. Carter, to amend Section
24, same report, 616, 617.
On the motion "by Mr. Walsh, to reconsider
the vote by which Section 31, same report, was
ordered to a 2d reading, 617, 618.
On the motion by Mr. Ritchie, to adjourn, 618,
On the motion by Mr. Walsh, to amend Sec-
tion 31, Report upon the Judiciary Department,
619, 620.
On the motion by Mr. Hayden, to amend same
section, same report, 621, 622...
On the motion by Mr. Carter, to amend same
section, same report,,622, 623.
On the question to pass the Engrossed Report
of the Committee upon the Department of Labor
and Agriculture, (rejected,) 624, 625,
On the motion by Mr. Rider, to open the Report
of the Committee upon Education for amendment,
625, 626.
On the question to pass the Engrossed Report
upon Education, 626, 627.
On the motion by Mr. Dent, to amend the Re-
port of the Committee to which was referred all
such parts of the present Constitution as had not
been referred to any other Committee, Article,
New Counties, 627, 628.