On the motion by Mr. Merrick, to amend same
section, same report, 517, 518.
On the motion by Mr. Mitchell to amend the
same Section same report, (salary of Chief Judge
to be $3,000,) 518, 519.
On the motion by Mr. Merrick to amend the
same Section same report, 519, 520.
On the motion by Mr. Mitchell to amend the
same Section same report, 520, 521.
On the motion by Mr. Merrick to amend the
same Section, same report, (salary $3,750,) 521,
On the motion by Mr. Carter to amend the
same Section, same report, 523, 524.
On the motion by Mr. Nicolai to reconsider the
amendment by Mr. Merrick, (making the salary
of Chief Judge $3,750,) 524, 525.
On the motion by Mr. Jones for a substitute
for the Report of the Committee upon the forma-
tion of a new County out of parts of Somerset and
Worcester, 526, 527.
On the motion by Mr. Jones for a substitute
for the whole Report of the Committee upon the
formation of a new County out of parts of Somer-
set and Worcester, 528, 529.
On the question, "Shall the decision of the
Chair stand as the judgment of the Convention?"
that it was not in order to submit a substitute for
the whole Report without a reconsideration of the
Sections passed through a second reading, 529,
On the motion by Mr. Horsey, of Frederick, to
sustain the motion for the previous question on
ordering that the Report of the Committee for the
formation of a new County be engrossed for a
third reading, 530, 531.
On the motion by Mr. Rider that the Report of
the Committee for the formation of a new County
be engrossed for a third reading, 531, 532.
On the motion by Mr. Rider to adjourn, 632,