On the question to pass the Engrossed Report
of the Committee upon the Elective Franchise
and Qualification of Voters, 549, 550.
On the motion by Mr. Maulsby to amend Part
V, Orphans' Courts, Section 38, Report of the
Committee upon the Judiciary Department, 560,
On the motion by Mr. Devries to substitute for
Section 38, Part V, Orphans' Courts, Report of
the Committee on the Judiciary Department, as
a substitute for Mr. Merrick's substitute, 561, 562
On the motion by Mr. Bateman to amend by
way of substitute Sections 4 and 5, Report of the
Committee respecting the Appointment, Tenure
of Office, &c., of all Civil Officers, &c., 56, 567.
On the question to pass the Engrossed Report
of the Committee upon the Treasury Department,
(rejected and reconsidered,) 571, 572.
On the motion by Mr. Roman to amend the
1st Section of the Engrossed Report of the Com-
mittee upon the Treasury Department., 512, 573.
On the question to pass the said Engrossed
Report, 573, 574.
On the motion by Mr. Carter to substitute for
the substitute by Mr. Ritchie to the 27th Section
of the Report upon the Judiciary Department;
575, 576.
On the motion by Mr. Ford to open for amend-
ment the Report of the Committee on Revision on
the Engrossed Report of the Committee upon the
Attorney General and the State's Attorneys, 579,
On the motion by Mr. Mackubin to open for
amendment the same Raport of the same Com-
mittee, 581.
On the motion by Mr. Longwell to open for
amendment the same Report of the same Com-
mittee, 582, 583.
On the question to pass the Engrossed Report
of the Committee upon the Attorney General and
the State's Attorneys, 584.