On the motion by Mr. Watkins, of Montgom-
ery, to amend the 3d Section of the report of the
Committee respecting the Tenure of Office, &c ,
of all civil officers, &c., 480,481.
On the motion by Mr. Ireland, to amend the
same section, same report, 481, 482.
On the motion by Mr. Syester, to amend the
4th Section, same report, 482, 483.
On the motion by Mr...Austin, to amend the
4th Secrion, same report, 484, 485.
Ou the motion by Mr. Bateman, to amend Sec-
tions 4, 5, same report, 486, 487.
On the motion by Mr. Hammond, to amend
the 19th Section of the report of the Committee
on the Judiciary Department, 489, 490."
On the motion by Mr. Giddings, to amend the
same section, same report, 491, 492.
On the motion by Mr. Horsey, of Somerset, to
adjourn, 492, 493.
On the motion by Mr. Tarr, of Caroline, to
amend Section 19 of the report of the Committee
on the Judiciary Department, 494, 495.
On the motion by Mr. Watkins, of Montgom-
ery, to amend same section, same report, 495,496.
On the motion by Mr. Peters, to amend the
24th Article of the Report of the Committee upon
the Declaration of Rights, 498, 499.
On the question to pass the Report upon the
Declaration of Rights, 500, 501.
On the motion by Mr. Mitchell, to strike out
Section 17 of the Report of the Committee upon
the Executive Department, 507, 508.
On the question to pass the Report upon the
Executive Department, 508, 509.
On the motion by Mr. McCormick, to amend
Section 24 of the Report of the Committee upon
the Judiciary Department, 516, 517.