therefore, gentlemen, totally without words to express as I
would my sense of your favor.
It would not be becoming in me to attempt to foreshadow
the result of the proceedings of this Convention by reference
in detail to any of its measures. They are unknown to me.
It is only for me to say that you have been called here to
frame a new Constitution or to adopt that which has had an
existence de facto here for a brief space, and to express the
opinion that you will discharge the duty that has been
imposed upon you in such a manner as to promote, the peace
and order of the State, and to reflect lasting honor on your-
selves. I trust, gentlemen, that the proceedings of this
Convention will be marked by that harmony which should
prevail among men of common opinions, and upon an occa-
sion of so great magnitude.
I bring to this position no experience in reference to the
duties of the chair. I shall have, therefore, gentlemen, to
anticipate that indulgence from the members of this body,
which their partiality has disclosed. I thank you, gentle-
men, for the honor you have conferred upon me.
On motion of Mr. Maulsby,
A committee of three was appointed by the President to
wait upon the Hon. D. R. Magruder, Judge of the Circuit
Court for Anne Arundel county, and request him to attend
the Convention and administer the oath of office to the Pres-
Whereupon the President appointed the following com-
mittee for that purpose.
Messrs. Robt. C. Barry, of Baltimore county, William P.
Maulsby, of Frederick county, and George M. Gill, of Bal-
timore city.
After a brief absence, the committee returned with Judge
On motion by Mr. Wickes, of Kent county,
A committee of three was appointed by the President to
ascertain what oath the President, delegates and officers of
the Convention was required to take; and to report to-mor-
row morning at the opening of the Convention.
Whereupon the President appointed
Messrs. Wickes, of Kent county, George William Brown,
of Baltimore city, Albert Ritchie, of Baltimore city.
On motion by Mr. Maulsby,