Judge Magruder was requested to attend at 11 o'clock, A.
M. to-morrow, to administer the oath of office to the Presi-
On motion by Mr. Wickes,
The Convention adjourned to meet to-morrow at 11 o'clock,
A. M.
THURSDAY, May 9th, 1861.
The Convention met.
Hon. Richard B. Carmichael, President elect, in the chair,
and James R. Howison, Esq., acting as Secretary.
Prayer by Rev. Mr. Leech.
Mr. Wickes, chairman Select Committee, submitted the fol-
The committee to whom was referred the question as to
the form of the oath to be taken by the officers and members.
of this Convention, beg leave to report':
That by the fifth section of the Act of the General Assem-
bly of Maryland providing for the call of this Convention,
passed at the January session of 1867, chapter 327, it is
enacted that, before any member elect, or officer of said
Convention shall enter upon his duties, he shall take the
oath to discharge said duties in the form prescribed by law
for members of the House of Delegates of this State, muta-
tis mutandis, except the Speaker or President elect of said
Convention, who shall take the same oath in the presence of
said Convention, before some judge or justice of the peace
of this State.
That by virtue of the Act, entitled, " An Act to restore to
full citizenship, and the right to vote and hold office, all
persons who may be deprived thereof by the provisions con-
tained in the fourth section of the Constitution of this State, "
passed on the 24th of January, 1867, chapter 17, and also
by virtue of said fifth section of said Act of 1867, chapter