Queen Anne's Comity—Richard B. Carmichael, Thomas (F.
Keating, Washington Finley, Stephen J. Bradley.
St. Mary's County—Robert Ford, John F. Dent, Baker A.
Somerset County—Purnell Toadvine, Thomas F. J. Rider,
James L. Horsey, Isaac D. Jones, Henry Page.
Talbot County—William Goldsborough, Richard C. Holly-
day, Henry E. Bateman, Ormond Hammond.
Washington County—Andrew K. Syester, R, H. Alvey,
Joseph Murray, S. S. Cunningham, William Motter, George
W. Pole.
Worcester County—J. Hopkins Tarr, Littleton P. Frank-
lin, Thomas P. Parker, Samuel S. McMaster, George W.
On motion by Mr. Outerbridge Horsey, of Frederick
The Convention proceeded to elect a President, viva voce.
Mr George W. Dobbin, of Baltimore city, nominated the
Hon. Richard B. Carmichael, of Queen Anne's county, and
there being no other nomination,
On motion by Mr. Barry, of Baltimore county,
The Hon. R. B. Carmichael was declared to be the unani-
mous choice of the Convention, and was conducted to the
chair by the following Committee, appointed by the Presi-
dent, pro. tem., to wit:
John Wethered, of Baltimore county; Walter Mitchell,
of Charles county; and George William Brown, of Balti-
more city.
The President addressed the Convention as follows:
Gentlemen of the Convention:
This is a most distinguished honor. I thank you pro-
foundly, proudly thank you. A partial constituency con-
ferred the high privilege upon me of a seat upon this floor,
to partake in your deliberations and labors on a subject of
of the highest concern to themselves and to the State. Ap-
preciating as I do the responsibilities of that position, and
the exalted characters of the members of this body, I feel
that my position on the floor was fully equal to the measure
of my deserving. The choice which has just fallen upon
me to preside over your deliberations is, according to my
taste and in my judgment, the highest to which a citizen of
Maryland could aspire, or any authority bestow. I am,