Messrs. Merryman, Spates,
Carmichael, Pr't. Mitchell, Stoddert,
Brent, Peters, Walsh—9.
Messrs. George, McPherson,
Alvey, Giddings, Merrick,
Archer, Gill, Morris,
Austin, Goldsborough, T. Murray,
Barnes, Groome, Parker,
Barry, Hammond, Parran, Chas, S.
Bateman, Hardcastle, Parran, John,
Bell, Hayden, Pleasants,
Brewer, of Mont. Hodson, Pole,
Brown, Hollyday, Eider,
Buchanan, Howard, Biggs,
Cosgrove, Howison, Sitchie,
Cover, Hubbard, Silver,
Cunningham, Ireland, Starr,
Denson, Jamison, Syester,
Dent, Janvier, Tarr, of Car.
Devries, Jones, Tarr, of Wor.
Dobbin, Keating. Thomas,
Dorsey, Longwell, Toadvine,
Duvall, Mackubin, Vansant,
Emack, Manro, Watkins, of Most.
Evans, Marbury, Wethered,
Farnandis, Maulsby, Whitman,
Finley, McCormick, Wickes,
Franklin, McKaig, Wilkinson—76.
Galt, McMaster,
So the amendment submitted by Mr. Walsh
Was rejected.
The question then recurring upon the amendment submit-
ted by Mr. Merryman,
It was rejected.
The Section, as amended, was then read a second time.
On motion of Mr. Carter,
The Beport of the Committee upon Public Works and Cor-
porations, title, Article —Public Works, as amended, was
then read a second time, and,
On motion of Mr. Carter,