Ordered to be engrossed for a third reading.
On motion of Mr. Jones,
At 1 o'clock and 15 minutes A. M., the Convention ad-
journed until Saturday morning, August 17th, at 10 o'clock.
SATURDAY, August 17, 1867.
The Convention met.
Prayer by Rev. Mr. Burke.
Present at the call of the roll the following members :
Messrs. Carmichael, (President,) Alvey, Archer, Austin,
Barnes, Barry, Bateman, Bell, Brent, Brewer, of Montgom-
ery, Brooke, Brown, Buchanan, Carter, Chambers, Cosgrove,
Gover, Cunningham, Denson, Dent, Devries, Dobbin, Dor-
sey, Duvall, Emack, Evans, Farnandis, Ferry, Finley,
Flaherty, Ford, Franck, Franklin, Galt, Garey, George,
Giddings, Gill, Goldsborough, of Dorchester, Groome,
Hammond, Hardcastle, Hayden., Hoblitzell, Hodson, Hol-
lyday, Horsey, of Somerset, Howard, Howison, Hubbard,
Ireland, Jamison, Janvier, Johnson, Jones, Keating, Kil-
bourn, Lee, Longwell, Mackubin, Manro, Marbury, Massey,
Maulsby, McCormick, McKaig, McPherson, Merrick, Merry-
man, Mitchell, Morris, Motter, Murray, Nelson, Nicolai, Page,
Parker, Chas. S. Parran, John Parran, Peters, Pleasants,
Pole, Rennolds, Rider, Riggs, Ringgold, Ritchie, Roman,
Silver, Spates, Starr, Stoddert, Syester, Tarr, of Caroline,
Tarr, of Worcester, Thomas, Toadvine, Vansant, Walsh,
Watkins, of Montgomery, Wethered, Whitman, Wickes,
The proceedings of yesterday were read and approved.
Mr. Howison submitted the following order :
Ordered, That the Committee on Accounts be and they
are hereby authorized to pay the account of the printer, and
such other accounts against the Convention fund as remain
unpaid after the adjournment of the Convention ;
Which was adopted.
Mr. Kilbourn submitted the following order :